Focus is one of the biggest qualities of successful people, they know very well “how to stay focused” and when to stay focused. I remembered once Swami Vivekananda said; “Focus depends on what are you paying concentration to and how much”?

Nowadays; there are 90% of people suffering from a lack of concentration. If you make it practice this condition can be changed, but need more practice in the right direction and read so many books and blogs on concentration then apply in your life.

Firstly, we probably think the focus is means doing something for the long term without disturbance. It’s not! Let’s understand;

Focus (concentration) usually depends on the goal/target. Long-term goals require focus for achieving them. But target requires more pay attention because it’s a short process. All the things are garbage at the time doing something but running other things in mind.

Here we are serving you 7 important secrets on how to stay focused!

So here we go;

Recognized the causes of lacking attention

You need to find out/ observe what factors or at what time you lose your focus. Just write it down on a single paper. Sometimes you also observe, you read a blog passage and suddenly made a thought in mind when you go to their minds. This is called the nature of the mind that behaves like a child.

So recognized all these things that are destroying the level of attention and make a plan. A solid plan can help you with what work require more attention and the rest of the other less.

Work on your mind (Need more practice)

Did you hear the thought; Practice makes the person perfect. You need practice on a mental level. It can say that some kind of meditation.

See basically, meditation learn you how the mind functioning and also learn you how to bring your mind to your desires work. Practice always helps you how to concentrate your mind and pay more attention to your valuable target.

Focus is not dependent only on single things but practices play a major role, if you practice honestly then you will achieve an advanced level of focus.

Note; never try to do 2 things at a single time. Firstly get a single task and complete then go for a second because the power of one thing plays a major role in developing the level of focus.

Avoid unnecessary or distractive works

In the beginning, you need more practice, even it requires some changes in your lifestyle. Also some changes in your room such as material, a product that is already in your room, maybe distractive lights and sounds.

This is one of the most important to switch off your phone if it possible otherwise you can push off notifications. Also, one more thing needs to do, blocking the website’s notifications.

Add exercise time to your schedule

Healthy body design healthy mind. Daily exercise plays a vital role to build a crystal level of focus. When you start doing some exercise such as running/ walking, it product some hormones that keep you happy and reduce the level of stress.

Some people avoid morning exercise lacking time, but if you are build up a level of focus, you should be committed to exercise. For your convenience, you can run at home by using the running machine. Getting known the best-branded treadmills click here.

Exercise is not only creating the level of focus but reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other disorders. So add exercise to your fitness schedule.

Work between a time (30 min – 50 min)

NASA scientists are following this schedule. Basically, the mental work for 50 minutes maximum and next 10 to 20 minutes doing some physical activity.

When you in the initial level, it requires 20 to 30 minutes of focus to make practice and come into your life. Then you can go to the next level. Focus does increase the level of productivity if you properly follow the rule.

Make busy your mind

Did you listen to the line “Empty mind devil’s house”? It requires more activity to busy your mind because the working mind doesn’t have time to think much.

Keep busy your mind because it behaves like a child, did you notice a child. A child is never staying in one place or things same as mind run away when you try to concentrate on one thing. In that case, being your child’s mother.

If a child ignores something then the mother holds the ear and brings it where it is to be brought. Same as you need to do this kind of strategy. I understand it sounds funny, but it works.

Eat healthy food

Why we consume food? Because get energy and use the energy for achieving our daily task and long term goals, at the state of hunger there is the only a few possibilities to complete our daily task.

Food serves our proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, minerals, fibers, and some elements. These nutrients provide a high level of energy. Make sure we always prefer to consume healthy food, green vegetables, nuts, or fresh fish.


In this article, we had covered 7 important secrets of how to stay focused on single things. Please read properly all the points and reply to what do you feel about? Make sure never forget to apply in our life. A person without applied same as a person who doesn’t have the knowledge about.

Hope you enjoy this article, more likes, shares, and comments to us if you face something irrelevant. Good luck!


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