If you want to maintain good oral hygiene then it is important for you to periodically do flossing every day at least two times. When we eat food then our teeth come in contact with a lot of food particles and some of the food particles stick in them. It will not be good for our gums and teeth if plaque builds up in them because of these particles. So, you need to clean them regularly. Sometimes regular brushing is not enough to clean these food particles. Your beautiful smile and oral health can get destroyed because of this. By flossing every day, you can prevent this. There are some spaces in our mouth where a brush can’t reach easily and when plaque and gunk accumulate in these spaces then it becomes necessary for us to floss regularly. Now I am going to tell you the importance of flossing and 5 reasons why you must floss every day.  

1.It helps in preventing the disease of gums – In adults and children gum disease occurs when in their mouth the formation of plaque takes place and it has been said by the experts of dental care all over the world. The inflammation occurs by the plaque bacteria and it has been suggested by medical research. The possibility of gum disease increases because of inflammation. By flossing daily all these can be avoided. For preventing receding gums, tooth loss and bleeding gums you can get a lot of help from this technique.

2.It helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease – The possibility of heart disease increases because of gum disease. In the future, the possibility of heart disease is 20 % more in those people who are suffering from the disease of gums. Cardiovascular disease occurs when the arteries are narrowed down because of gum disease.

Dealing with heart disease is full of challenges. It may cost you a lot to get the treatment of a problem of this type. The entire family of such kind of patient has to suffer a lot. If in your daily routine you will include flossing then all these problems can be avoided.

3.It helps in preventing tooth decay – An oral care that is improper can lead to tooth decay in a large number of people. In your teeth, the food particles stick when you eat food. For the teeth, it can be detrimental if you eat a lot of sugary food. So, avoid eating food of such kind. The plaque can form in your teeth if in between them the parts of a small candy stick. The possibility of tooth decay increases if this plaque stays in your teeth for a longer duration.

In this situation, thorough cleaning of the teeth is necessary for removing the plaque and a dentist can do this for you. This will help in reversing tooth decay. But if you don’t want to go to a dentist then you need to floss your teeth on a regular basis.

4.It helps in avoiding bad breath – For indicating your oral health your breath plays a major role. You will have full confidence if fresh breath comes out of your mouth. The reason for bad breath can be very small food particles stuck in between your teeth. If you will floss regularly then you can remove these particles and no more bad smell will come out of your mouth.

5.It helps in improving the appearance of your teeth – If you want to keep your smile beautiful and shiny always then you need to floss on a regular basis. Best oral hygiene can be maintained by doing this.

What is the right time to floss the teeth?

If in one day you will floss once and brush 2 times then it will be good for your oral health and it has been recommended by the ADA. Either before going to bed or in the morning you can floss. Also, remember that if you want to do brushing then before that you have to floss your teeth.

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