Dyspareunia is a broad term that defines several kinds of pain that females might experience during vaginal penetration. Pain in the vulvar area or discomfort with intercourse, spasms in the vaginal muscles that impede penetration – any of such conditions can make you obtain a dyspareunia diagnosis from a healthcare provider.

Prevalent causes of dyspareunia involve:

  • vaginal dryness resulting from menopause, delivery, breastfeeding, medicines, or too limited arousal prior to sexual intercourse
  • skin diseases that produce ulcers, cuts, burning, or itching
  • infections, like yeast and urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • trauma or injury from delivery, an accident, a hysterectomy, an episiotomy, or pelvic surgery
  • vulvodynia,or discomfort concentrated in the vulvar area
  • Vaginitis, or swelling of the vaginal tissues
  • vaginismus, or a natural tightening of the vaginal muscles
  • cystitis
  • endometriosis
  • pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • uterine fibroids
  • radiation and chemotherapy

People question all the time regarding the difference between Vaginismus and Vulvodynia, so below a concise explanation:

  • Vaginismus results from an uncontrolled tightening of the muscles of vaginal walls. These muscles become rigid enough and make sex difficult, uncomfortable, or even impossible. Women can encounter a stinging and burning feeling as well. Normally, no pain is felt outside of sex or inserting a tampon into the vagina.
  • Vulvodynia is persistent, unexplained discomfort in the vulvar area that persists for three months or more. The disorder can be defined by stinging, burning, or even itching. It can happen with sex, but usually, women will experience pain with fitted clothes or even while sitting. It can arise from tight muscles, nerve irritation, or hormonal changes.

Diagnoses for these two can be often confusing, which is not unusual as the symptoms and indications can be very alike, and usually, women can get both vaginismus and vulvodynia. There can be times when you might have to get treatment for vaginismus to successfully treat the vulvodynia. However, as the treatment approach for both is completely different, it is necessary to have an expert provider to get an accurate diagnosis, so the precise treatment can be begun. No matter if it’s Vaginismus or Vulvodynia. You can get help.

Are you finding a doctor?

If you intend to seek medical help and want to locate a doctor near you, contact Harbor Compounding Pharmacy. They work jointly with some of the best integrative wellness and alternative medicine practitioners in the U.S. These specialists have assisted thousands of sufferers across the country to attain optimal form through detoxification, restoring immune health, diet, weight reduction, and hormone replacement therapy.

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