In academic life, students have a terrible habit of plagiarizing other people’s work. Plagiarism checker are there to detect those. However, they are unaware that what they are doing is a criminal act and that criminals are subject to harsh punishment under the law. As a result, a student should ensure that his work is free of plagiarism before submitting it to a professor.

A lack of knowledge can also cause plagiarism. Students have no idea how to write a perfect report, put footnotes and endnotes, or mark references properly. They can use the ready-made material available on the internet to learn about all of these things, but they should not copy-paste it exactly.

However, did you know that there is some gap from where plagiarism cannot be detected? Provided below are the affordances and limitations of the plagiarism tools:


  • Accountability:According to Dwight L. Moody, “Character is who you are in the dark.” While this quote contains sound advice, the reality is that most of us behave better when we are aware that others are watching. With that in mind, plagiarism detection software is likely to add a layer of accountability. Knowing that the paper will be checked with such a word count tool may make it more difficult to plagiarize on purpose.
  • Plagiarism Detection:It detects many instances of widespread and blatant plagiarism and some (but not all) of the paper-selling services.
  • Enhanced Writing:According to some students and teachers, using plagiarism detection services helps students improve their assignment writing service skills. This is particularly valid because some services search for plagiarism and issues with a student’s writing style., for example, has resources that help writers develop their writing by encouraging peer review.
  • Accidental Plagiarism Detection:This is a useful method for students who want to detect unintended or accidental plagiarism before sending the professor’s final version.



  • False Protection:Plagiarism and academic dishonesty go unnoticed by the software in many cases. This isn’t so much a criticism of the resources as it is a criticism of over-reliance on them for tasks they can’t or weren’t intended to do.
  • Metaphors & Stories:Suppose a student takes a plot, metaphor, or analogy from a source and rewrites it in their own words without citing the source. That is unlikely to be flagged as plagiarism.
  • Sources that aren’t in the databases:Many sources aren’t in the plagiarism detection databases. There is still a significant amount of material that has not been digitized or checked against. This is especially true as learners begin to take advantage of the many video and audio content available on the internet. Perhaps the student got the idea from a documentary, unpublished reports, interviews, and other sources.


Students and writer must check the completed writing with the plagiarism checker tool before submitting it to your professor. When writing your paper, you recommend using your own expertise to look original and not copied from somewhere.


Summary: Plagiarism has become a major problem, especially as more people copy content from the internet. Many people have been convicted and prosecuted for copying previously published content, including students and academics. It is now possible to prevent such situations using technology. Make the most of it by creating genuine material.

Author bio:Martha Wills, associated with, is an academic expert story writer. She had profound knowledge about English subjects and can also help you with free services such as proofreading and essay checker.