A positive signal even though so many people are using it for pain for anxiety we’re just starting to learn based off of clinical trials that cbd might be helpful for anxiety at high doses and the jury is really out with respect to cbd’s helpfulness for sleep one other indication that’s been studied is the potential for cbd and its helpfulness for substance use disorders so there’s been one really nice study looking at cbd compared to placebo for people.

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Who have opioid use disorder and there is a signal that cbd might be helpful for some symptoms that are associated with opioid use disorder like drug craving and anxiety that goes along with that drug craving and now there are many clinical studies that are planned or that are ongoing looking at cbd for other types of substance use disorders for example tobacco use disorder alcohol use disorder so this is a really rapidly evolving area  hemp cream and there’s a lot of opportunity here simply because so many people are using cbd for so many different indications and if you look at some of the animal literature and sachin can speak to this there does seem to be some positive signals for a variety of disease states and animal models that cbd might be helpful for so so the clinical trial the clinical studies will those be done with with epi dialects uh and and you know you have a situation where you have a relatively pure compound that the gw pharmaceuticals has made no i’m sorry no no uh advertisement there and yet people may not be may not be using it because.

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They think that they’ve got cbd available at every gas station in town um i’ll just i’ll speak to this from personal experience that despite the fact that cbd is everywhere including gas stations and convenience stores as a scientist it’s actually quite difficult to get so as a scientist as a researcher who’s giving this to people you need to make sure that the product is pure and safe and free of pesticides free of thc that it’s reliable stable from batch to batch and it’s actually quite a challenge to find a source of cbd and it’s not so easy to ask the company that’s making epidiolex to be able to  hemp pain relief cream uk  provide their product for your studies for many different indications because it’s expensive and you know they’re very interested those companies are very interested in studying specific disease states they might not necessarily be interested in let’s say studying arthritis or ptsd so these are some important obstacles and hurdles to actually looking at its effects in the laboratory in clinical studies i will say that there is a movement from researchers to want to study the types of products that people are using so epidiolex which is a oral formulation very high doses that’s not what people are using so people researchers are very interested in knowing well how do those five milligram doses that people are using from dispensaries how does that impact health outcomes and so researchers