Polyester casting resin is a pourable liquid resin that is filled into a mould which then solidifies to form a cast. An alternative method of producing them is through the laid up procedure of laminating by hand while you strengthen it with glass clothing or carbon fiber. From these two methods we get two types of the polyester casting resin; the laminated resin or hot-promoted formula and the casting resin or slow promoted formula.

Polyester casting resin is by far easy to work with compared to other castings. For those who love casting figures, polyester casting will only require you to add little amounts of MEX peroxide to catalyze the solidifying process of the liquid resin. Since the liquid resin is self curing all you can do is regulate the curing rate by controlling the quantity of catalyst you add to the pourable liquid. Besides ease in casting the polyester resin, you can also determining the shades of color your end resin will have. Clear cast polyester resin is as clear as glass but you can manipulate it to a tint or opaque by adding special pigments to the polyester casting.

For centuries polyester casting resin has been used in small scale production of industrial prototypes and in the dentistry field to create dental models. Almost everyone has had a one on one encounter with polyester castings. It will definitely be familiar to those who love collectibles and to kids in the various action figures they own. Most clothing stores will thank polyester castings for the firm mannequins and models that can be created from the material. Because of the clarity of the polyester casting resin, glass industries blend it together with ordinary glass to form fiber glass which is crystal clear. If you still can’t get familiar with polyester castings then check some of the garage tools you have. Polyester casting resin forms part of the tools.

Polyester castings seem to be user friendly and just what you need to mould your desired casts. The demerits beg to differ; to begin with polyester casting resin is a highly toxic material to work with. Fumes from the resins cause an irritating choke followed with a nauseating stink. The liquid resin can cause instant blindness if it accidentally comes into contact with the eye. Health expert who conducted research on the polyester casting have been able to link its components to a number of health problems. Long exposures to the fumes from the liquid resins cause nerve and liver damage to the victim. Moreover, they are a major cause of respiratory irritations and Narcosis to individuals who get exposed to them for a long time. It is even feared that polyester casting resin is a carcinogenic compound.

Additionally, polyester casting is a highly flammable material. Anyone handling it should ensure the room is well ventilated. Never let the polyester casting catch fire, it burns spontaneously when ignited and can cause a disastrous inferno.

Working with polyester castings is quite fun if the necessary precautions are put into consideration.