The Scribble Pen, described as “the last pen you’ll ever need to buy,” promises that you can scan and draw in any color by touching the RGB color sensor built into the top of the pen to color objects. Imagine you could write, draw and write with the ink that comes with your pen. It is said that you can replicate the colors in any number of different colors, from red to green, blue to yellow, orange to red, green to blue.

The Scribble Stylus Ink can capture and accurately reproduce thousands of different colors. According to the product’s website, the ink is waterproof and does not fade even when cold water, so it is literally revised to replace a box of crayons and markers.

The stylus can also be paired with a mobile app to instantly sync with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or any other mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. Color scanning comes in any color, and it is available in a wide range of colors, from black and white to red, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple and even green.

The colors become more useful when organized, tagged and converted into different color models such as red, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple and even green.

It also allows you to instantly scan and draw any color you see on an object. Scribble is designed for anyone who needs a way to reproduce colors quickly and easily. Children will love it because it can create a myriad of different colors without having to completely replace their favorite colors pencils, pens, paper and ink cartridges.

The Scribble Pen, described as “the last pen you will ever buy,” promises that you can scan and scan any color by touching the RGB color sensor built into the top of the pen to color any object. It is said that you can replicate colors in a few seconds and as much time as you want. Imagine you could write, draw and write in any color with the ink coming out of your pen.

Once the ink is selected and processed, an intelligent micro-pump mixes the inks from the revolutionary ink cartridge to reproduce the exact hue and tones of your choice. After scanning the ink, it is reproduced in the same coloring as the original ink cartridges.

The Scribble Pen website claims the ink is waterproof and will never fade, making it ideal for use in rain, snow or even on the beach. The Scribbling Pen has two ink cartridges, one allowing you to draw with real ink and the other with an intelligent pen that allows you to digitally reproduce the scanned color on your smartphone or tablet.

It has three tips with different strokes and weights and Bluetooth connectivity, which allows users to save their scanned colors on different devices. You can connect it to any smartphone or tablet running iOS, Android or Windows Phone 8.1 or higher, as long as you have saved the color you scanned.

The pen’s battery life is said to be up to seven hours on a single charge, and it is also said to last seven days on a single charge. There’s also a $119 version called Scribble Pen Stylus, which works only with tablets and doesn’t contain a smart ink cartridge.

The CRAZY Pen, which allows you to point it at an object in the color you want to write in, and the Scribble Pen Stylus, a pen that allows you to draw in any color you want. All three pencils are available in three different colors: blue, green, red and yellow, and black and white.

The scanner sends the collected data to an ink cartridge, and the cartridge automatically mixes the desired color and pushes the ink into the pen. Then a mixture is made and made with the ink needed to draw it in, which is supplied in a small ink cartridge that can be refilled and stored in the body of the Scribble Pen.

The pen is a great help for the color blind, such as children and people with visual impairments. Scribble is a new company that makes drawing in the perfect color easier than ever. Simply point your pen or scanner at color and draw on paper or on your mobile device in any color you like using a smartphone app. The Scribbling Pen is a real breakthrough and the first of its kind in its class.