There is no denying that online reviews have become a deciding factor for healthcare practitioners and providers and for any other businesses with an online presence. But how much can you trust these reviews? Should you at all rely on these online doctor reviews? Are the patients unbiased and neutral in their ratings? Let us find out how impactful online reviews are and how patients use online reviews sites.

Will you choose your doctor based on online reviews?

According to the recent RepuGen Patient Review Survey 2021, more adults opt to consider online reviews before choosing their healthcare partner.

Having said that, you will be surprised to know that most people do not post ratings or reviews on the web, and only 6-8% of those looking for doctors’ reviews online on healthcare review websites have ever posted a review themselves about their doctors. But at the same time, around 34% of millennials like to search online for a doctor before visiting a clinic. For the seniors, though, the percentage is much less at 19%. This is because young adults are more tech-savvy and dependent on the internet.

Article first published on ScoreDoc blog