You may have heard of all of the amazing health benefits of cloves (laung), but do you know that it is possible to use this spice for treating some very common ailments? Here are some examples: ringing in the ears, nausea, constipation, sore throat, and heartburn. Yes, clove oil has long been used by the ancients to treat such symptoms, which is why they believed it would help those with problems like these. Cloves are also thought to help in relieving anxiety, depression, and other feelings of mental instability, although there’s no scientific proof to back up those claims.

Cloves have many uses, but probably the most famous is that of a cough remedy (laung). It’s true that clove oil can be used for coughs, and if you use it right when you’re having a cough, you should be able to lessen the pain and shorten the duration. The best time to use clove oil for this is just before bedtime, which will give you the best effect. Be sure to use pure clove oil and not garlic or onion. Those ingredients are considered to be more toxic to your system.

As far as heartburn goes, clove oil is also thought to be a very effective treatment. By blending a clove with a bit of honey and applying it to the affected area, it’s said to reduce the burning sensation. However, you should do this after taking a meal because it may make you sleepy.

Constipation is another common problem that can be treated with clove oil. Most often this is caused by a diet that is too high in fiber and not enough liquids. Adding some clove oil to your diet, especially right before you go to bed, can definitely help with constipation. Many people have had great success with this, especially those who take a lot of fiber-rich foods.

Many women have problems with hair loss and premature aging. Clove oil can be used to fight hair loss. All you need to do is heat the clove and massage it onto the scalp and leave it on for about an hour. Then wash it off and rinse your hair. You’ll notice a difference in the growth of your hair.

Shampoos that contain clove (laung) oil can be very beneficial to your scalp. If you use a mild version, you’ll find it very soothing to your hair. Mild shampoos are very beneficial because they don’t strip your hair out. Just add a few drops of clove oil to your regular shampoo and you’ll get the benefits of a deep cleansing shave that leaves your scalp feeling amazing.

Constipation is another problem that plagues many people. Constipation occurs when the liquid waste in your body isn’t able to be removed from the body. There are two ways to get around this problem. You can either use laxatives or eat more fiber. Both of these methods are extremely effective at eliminating your constipation.

Some people swear by using Mentholated essential oils as an aromatherapy agent. This oil contains a wide range of beneficial scents, including Cinnamon. This oil has been proven to help relieve and prevent many respiratory problems, so if you’re suffering from a cold or sore throat, it may benefit you to treat yourself to a few drops of Mentholated.

Did you know that Sulfur can actually help the body to heal itself? Your body is constantly fighting off bacteria and viruses. As your body gets sicker, it becomes harder for it to fight these invaders. Eating sulfur will give your body a boost, giving it the tools it needs to attack its enemies. And by cooking with Sulfur-rich foods, you’ll not only help your body to recover faster but to fight better as well.

Allicin, another substance found in Cloves, is also a powerful antiseptic. Using it topically, such as on a wound, can help to speed up the healing process by keeping bacteria from setting in. It helps to increase blood flow, which is great news if you have an ongoing problem with blood clots. When blood flow is increased, your blood can travel to any part of the body, and this is especially important if you’re trying to avoid surgery.

As you can see, there are many surprising health benefits of cloves (laung). If you’re looking for a way to treat a cold, sore throat, or sore ankle, you should consider using a warm foot soak. Instead of just using a regular Epsom salt soak, add some Clove Oil to the water. This will not only make it easier to enjoy, but it will also smell delicious. You can also apply it directly to the area!