If you are taxes for US citizens living in Singapore then is an incredible experience for a wide range of reasons – pleasant evening life, public transport, schools, healthcare, healthy and comfortable. However, as an American expatriate in Singapore, what does the U.S. taxes need to know exactly?

The Singapore Republic is one of the world’s top five financial centers. It is an island nation in Southeast Asia off the Malay Peninsula south of Thailand. The mainland is surrounded by more than sixty smaller islands. An island is commonplace for American expatriates. However, the cost of living in this sovereign state has been affected by currency inflation problems in recent years.


Next, the taxable income needs to be known:


Be mindful of income tax as an expat entering Singapore:

  • Benefits for industry
  • Job profits (full or part-time)
  • Portfolio dividends of the firm
  • Pension or annuity interest
  • Rent or income linked to another land


U.S. tax details:


You have to apply the 1040 form if you receive more than the US $10,000 (or $400 of your own worker income). Although taxes are still payable until 15 April, expatriates will have to file automatically for 15 June, to be extended electronically until 15 October.


There are many mechanisms to limit or refrain from paying tax for the same income to the IRS when you pay income tax in Singapore. The main two are the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, which allows you to exempt the first about $100,000 of tax revenue. If you can claim to be a Singaporean, and the US Tax Returns For Non Residents Foreign Tax Credit, which provides you with a dollar tax credit for every dollar of tax you have paid in Singapore.


More details on Taxes in Singapore:


Singapore’s resident tax rates vary from 2% to 22%. No Capital Gains or Heritance taxes are available from Singapore. If it is charged to Singapore, only taxes income from Singapore and income from the outside.

You are not considered taxable; if you spend less than 183 days a year in Singapore, Singapore’s work income is taxed by a flat rate of 15%, while other income forms are taxed at 22%.


When do you score your tax as due?


Such Singapore residents must apply their return to Singapore by using form B1, similar to U.S. taxes, no later than 15 April per year. Non-residents must report on form M earnings. Although tax declarations must be submitted by 15 April, any payment of the relevant tax shall not be due until after the mailing of correspondence. Those who are self-employed must report earnings on form B. Typically, in September, they are sent. The tax payment deadline shall be one month after the date of the postal assessment. As a reminder you must remember that it is not the same as U.S. taxes, which must all be paid before 15 April.

Those who made an SGD 22,000 do not have to send a return from Singapore. Also, many Singapore jobs send wage details to the Singapore Inland Revenue Authority directly for their employees.