Today, many companies make the mistake of downplaying talent management strategy . Thus, some employees feel unmotivated and do not feel any kind of commitment to the company. Talent management in many cases involves changing the corporate culture , so that a participatory and empowering leadership style is reinforced. What can be done to improve this situation?

The change from a business point of view is exponential in this regard: Talent management in the next five years will be completely different from how it has been done in the last 20 years. Currently, there are other factors beyond the purely economic that play an important role in the company.

Thanks to the training and professional development through learning opportunities, can increase the skill set that an employee wants to improve, a factor that will affect business performance and benefits overall.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the cost of hiring is very high. So the unwanted abandonment that may occur due to poor management of expectations or improper accompaniment of the employee must be minimized.

We have identified 5 keys for an efficient incorporation in companies:

  1. The experience must be personalized

Many Company Incorporation Services in Dubai offer a standard on boarding experience, “everyone the same”, when in reality, this does not make sense since each person will occupy a different role in the organization and their experience and trajectory is different. The employee must feel special , and the help and incorporation time required will also be different in each case.

An increasingly common factor in companies is the figure of the remote worker : geographical limits are no longer a barrier to productivity and collaboration. In this case, the employee must have the necessary technologies that allow this remote relationship. In addition, this process should be continued so that they can feel part of the organization and not disconnected.

  1. Create a link between the culture and the employee

The incorporation processes have historically focused on compliance with regulations and the collection of administrative information. Although this is still an important part, it is worth noting the need for the employee to immerse himself in the company’s own culture . In this way, it will be easier to maintain the illusion generated during the selection process.

  1. Increase and maintain On boarding in at least three months

It is important to connect with the candidate from the first day of incorporation, as well as to keep this relationship afloat for a period of incorporation of no less than 3 months. Many surveys find that for many new hires, the first three months in an organization are the most precarious.

The 5 keys to an efficient incorporation in the company: Talent Management

New hires make efforts to learn, how to do their job well, know how the organization works, and fit in correctly with the culture and with their teams. At first, the employee must deal with a lot of information to assimilate and without help through on boarding programs; they can easily drown in the information.

Similarly, there are many activities that can be scheduled for the new employee during that time: setting performance goals, enrollment in apprenticeship, training and development programs, and additionally an evaluation to determine their development path.

  1. Reinforce the involvement of managers and set expectations clearly

The managers or team managers must take an active role in the incorporation of the employee : must work with his new subordinates to discuss goals and together build a good career plan.

Engagement and productivity will be boosted more easily if clear expectations and goals are established from the outset, evaluated through regular follow-ups and returning appropriate constructive feedback.

Showing the employee a clear path forward will give them a way to channel the excitement and enthusiasm of being part of the organization.

  1. The importance of highlighting the most valued resources during the first week of work

There are a series of resources and actions that new employees value more during their first week of work, to be effective and productive more quickly:

Training actions in the workplace

It is the most demanded resource. Accompaniment and “learning by doing” is the best way to adopt the new role, at the same time that it generates in the employee a feeling of usefulness and value.

Guides related to organization policies

They are very useful in this cultural and process immersion (company policies such as dress code, time-off policy, employee manual, etc.).

Illustration about administrative procedures

Knowing the team of employees or touring the facilities together are also keys that improve relationships in the first weeks of work.

Another highly valued resource is the assignment of a “mentor” as a person of close support and accompaniment during the months of incorporation.

How to improve talent management through Cornerstone?

In order to properly implement and monitor talent management in the company, there are different specific software solutions for this field.

We take care of the entire Cornerstone implementation process according to the needs of each company.

Thanks to this platform, comprehensive Talent management can be carried out with a specific module for selection and on-boarding.

We can facilitate the management of new hires by making available to the new employee:

  • Collaborative communities: information, help, motivation …
  • Transversal and / or job-related training.
  • Administration form (self-service).
  • Close monitoring by the hierarchical manager assigned for the incorporation period.

The platform is perfect as a lever for motivation and immersion in the culture of the organization. In addition to offering many other improvements in the digitization of talent management processes.

Ask us about how to relate the training processes with those of incorporation. We can surely help Auditors in Dubai .