Hey, have you ever wondered from where all these stars, moon, comets, and black holes came from? How the planet you live in made?  THE BIG BANG- a big mystery

Nothing was like this. The stars, galaxies, planets came from a giant blast of energy. Our universe is 13.8 billion years old, it was very small before the big bang, and scientists got to know about it by using mathematical formulas and models.

Our planet earth is like a dot in the universe as compared to other planets and human is like a dot in planet earth yet challenges everything. Human beings are so strong and love to explore science and nature.

What is Big bang astronomy?

The universe was born in an explosion called the big bang and matter and energy were produced by this explosion, and the universe came into being in a tiny fraction of a second. It was very hot in the beginning and then cooled down with time and as a result stars and galaxies came into being.

  Fun facts about the evolution of the universe        

The things we see in the universe aren’t here from the beginning.  Do you know where do they come from? It all happened a super long time ago.

Let see how

  • When the big bang astronomy happened, it released so much energy into the universe and the universe started expanding and expanding into a bigger space
  • Electrons, protons, and gravity came into being
  • Electrons and protons lost into space, bound together making hydrogen atoms. Then these atoms formed nebulas, atom and molecules group, responsible for making stars
  • There are so many universes that exist, our is just a small part
  • In the 1920s, An Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is not static, it’s expanding continuously
  • Universe has no end, it’s infinite. It is not spherical but like a paper sheet without any boundaries
  • 96% of the universe cannot be seen, it’s only 4% that make stars and galaxies


Let’s explore science with kids

Science- a pretty boring subject! We often get to hear this from students, as a pretty irrelevant subject in daily life. Reliable sources like kids TV channels and YouTube channel have made it much better to make science an interesting and engaging subject, by adding more fun ways to it and there are so many other ways as well to explore science with kids.  


Ideas to engage kids in the classroom

  • Relate science with daily life practices
  • You can teach a guitar lover about the sound waves for better understanding in a fun way
  • Tell about the skills which can be used in future career
  • Talk about the relevancy of science in jobs by telling about nutritional need in supports coaching (highlight link between job and diversity of science)
  • Opening of water tap in the morning is also science
  • Try to cultivate a reading habit for making your kid a lifelong learner

Science is the study of things around us in the world. Scientists discover and learn new things by experimenting, exploring, and observing. The study of outer space is astronomy. There are so many fun and fascinating things around us to study in this world. Many books are available on a scientific study to make kids easy to understand the universe.

By studying kids can explore science in better ways. Scientific methods were used to discover most of the science we know now. Exploring science with different experiments and activities provides opportunities to kid to develop many different skills such as problem-solving, communication skills, goal setting, and a better understanding of the world.

Tips to support kid’s science learning
  • Help them with different science experiments
  • Answer every question they ask
  • Give proper attention
  • Do not scold on mistakes
  • Get ready to handle mess after exploration
  • Try to invite curiosity
  • Keep them engage in mindful activities
  • Try to help them explore their questions
  • Give them time and space
  • Use the things for experimentation, available at home



Involving the kids in science is not that difficult as we think it is! We just need a little effort to make it happen. By performing science activities, instead of just studying, help kids to nurture intellectual curiosity.