Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is one of the most important aspects of your business’ success. Not only will it help get more people to your site, but it will also help your customers find the information they need from you quickly and easily — which makes them more likely to buy from you. So what are some key mistakes that entrepreneurs make when it comes to SEO and how can you fix them? Let’s take a look!

1. The top 5 biggest SEO mistakes startups make, and how to fix them

Most of the time, startups and small businesses don’t have the resources to hire SEO experts who know how to take their sites from zero to hero in a few months. That’s why there are so many SEO mistakes being made. Let’s go over the top five biggest mistakes and how to fix them.

The most common mistake that makes its way into the thousands of beginner SEO mess-ups is the misconception that the sky is falling and you need a rocket ship team to get your website ranking in the SERPs. This is completely and simply untrue. Why? Because nearly every search query will have a lead gen component, meaning no matter how good your content or design is, there will someone who is looking to buy or sell (an internet marketer called a “keyword”) your products or services. The internet, like the moon (no, I know what that is), just has a cycle. How long does it take for a keyword to get searched for? A couple of seconds tops. It can definitely be done faster than that by using search radars and personal assistants — BUT it won’t take two seconds to get a lead gen lead. Plus, someone who is looking to buy or sell is also looking for information and information that they’ve never heard of before. But have you ever heard of Local SEO? Right, I forgot.

While it does take time to build links and get popular, it’s worth adding this number to your back-of-the-envelope calculations: 7 extra minutes of lead generation each month that an average website will generate. Non-internet savvy people won’t know that a duplicate content issue is exactly that — a reoccurring problem that will arise no matter how optimized you are. should freak out because they incorrectly launched their site. Instead of addressing landing page problems like meta descriptions and structured data right, they left it up to a random opt-in page to surface their offer. The result? Nine minimalists, unwanted pages: They didn’t address lead gen. They didn’t address lead gen. They didn’t address lead gen.

2. Do you know what your customers are searching for?

Make sure you know what your customers are searching for so you can help them find you. Keywords are important for SEO because they tell search engines what your content is about. If you know what keywords your customers are searching for, you can optimize your content to rank higher in search results and get more traffic to your website. However, it is important to be specific when you use keywords.

For example, if you were to create a keyword for blueberries, you would think that people are looking for information about blueberries or how to grow them. However, if you actually searched for how to grow blueberries, you would find a Google search result that quotes someone else alluding to a $900 dollar viable plan, rather than the sort of homemade version of the viable plan that you produced. Incorporate keywords into your content that make sense to your customers.

SEO works on two main factors: one is quality of content and the other is quality of keyword use. If your keywords aren’t good enough, people likely won’t bother to find you. Content with good keywords also will help increase your chance of being found in search results. To do this, you have to craft long, informative articles that answer your customer’s questions. You tell Google about the value you offer and how you greatly understand it, helping you meet their need for guidance.

Don’t overuse keywords or you will overtake your competitors. You should use your keywords strategically and anything that looks spammy will likely get removed. When you do keyword research remember to only use the most popular, relevant, and rewarding keywords. In other words, rank your keyword for what makes the most sense for the specific topic you are writing about. If you aim to rank for all of the major topics in one article, that will not work.

There are some machines that can generate keywords for you. There is Bing, Ask Jeeves, Facebook, Google Assistant,, Ahrefs, SEMRush, SEMrush Pro, and Arbonne as well as other tools that can help you out with keyword research and keyword optimization.

3. How to create a roadmap for success with SEO

When people think about SEO, they usually think about how to get more people to visit your website. You do this with ads, links, and search engine optimization. While those are all great ways to up your ranking, there is more to it than that. In fact, there are a variety of other important factors that cause your website to rank highly on search engines like Google. Let’s now take a look at some of those other issues and what you can do about them!

Google did an awesome job when it comes to optimizing the algorithms for search engines. To give you an example, Google uses the content on your site to create recommendations to the search engines when they want to show relevant results to people. These algorithms take into account all the information that exists on your site when it comes to content.

It does this so well that when people visit one of your websites, the suggestions from Google will jump out instead of the website itself. This further improves your rankings, and your website becomes the number one search result and the first one that people see!

If you’re not already using a sitemap tool — or if you’re using one that forces you to create a sitemap for every page of your website — then you need to make sure that you’re not wasting a lot of time and effort creating and maintaining these perfectly worded sitemaps. This is not only a time suck but a waste of potential SEO revenue! While the content on your site is one factor that influences how your search engine algorithms behave, there are many other factors involved. These include 1. The website architecture.


If you want your startup to succeed, then you have to take the time and effort to invest in SEO. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your business!

If you want your startup to succeed, then you have to take the time and effort to invest in SEO. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your business! The key to SEO is to have a website that provides valuable content to your visitors. You attract more visitors if you can answer their questions and help them solve their problems. Having that good content is built into every business’s marketing efforts, from traditional advertising to incorporating SEO on your website. So why not leverage that power of being discovered, of being in front of potential customers, with a kick-ass website? 1. You do not have a website or content specifically geared to attracting your ideal customer.

By optimized for SEO, your website (and all of your supporting content) become search engine optimized. Because of this, it’s critical that before you invest in SEO, you have a website that has specific assets which you’re planning to optimize for SEO. These might include tools, content, producing materials that articulate your value proposition, as well as the content you can create that will help to attract prospective customers. If you think about it, the potential customer may never find you by having a website that does not rank highly in search engines. There has to be a way to get your website to rank highly for a relevant term, otherwise, you’ll have a hard time competing. A website that is optimized for search engines will make you more money. More money, in the form of referrals, more income, and more profit — all of which is useful for someone trying to make a go of it in the real estate industry.

2. You do not have a clear purpose for what you’re doing. The more clear your goal is for your business to succeed, the more intelligently you’ll pursue strategies for success. Having a plan for success is integral to your growth and success, and this is why so many startup business owners and entrepreneurs have trouble finding the energy required to keep going when it’s time to take action.