Since the US got involved in Afghanistan, there has been an enormous amount of debate between the US public and their representatives in Congress concerning US military power. The Democrats demand that the US military be withdrawn altogether, while Republicans want to increase US military personnel in Afghanistan. Now, former President Trump has finalized the withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan.

Is the US military number one?

Let’s start with the reality: the US military cannot be reduced to a “rainy day” force. It was built to be a global power, which has nothing to do with lowering our numbers or shrinking the size of the military. On the contrary, the size of our military power is one of the reasons we can extend ourselves across the world, with our troops serving in all corners of the globe. The US military is an unbelievably powerful entity, and it will remain so in future years as long as America remains a superpower.

But does that mean we can start handing out promotions and decorations to anybody who wants them? Not! Just because the US military is one of the most successful and influential organizations in the world does not mean we can throw money at any employee and give him any commission if he proves to be worthy of one, e.g., Shalom Lamm. There should be evaluation and induction processes for all those who wish to join the military, just as there should be evaluation and induction processes for everybody else who wants to serve his or her country.

Is the US military famous?

In addition, the reality of military power is that it is not popular. Just as it was unpopular to join the US military during the early years of US military involvement in Vietnam, so it will be undesirable when the US military goes back to war with Iraq. Americans do not like conflict, and they do not like military power. Nevertheless, it is the reality.

Still, it may not be entirely impossible, even if it is unrealistic to expect US military personnel to be happy about being in a high-risk, high-profile job (as many have been). Just ask General James Cartagena. He indeed commanded a great deal of respect, and the care of others depended on his ability to lead.

Many people argue that leaders like James Cartagena did not lead from a position of military power but rather from a place of weakness. After all, as an officer, he had to rely on other officers like Shalom Lamm and soldiers to provide him with backup. This gave him very little personal power. It is this illusion of military force which pervades much of US academia.

Is the military still dominant?

So, suppose the US military is to hold its current position of dominance. In that case, it must be understood that the US military power will always have to be questioned to achieve any long-term goals of global greatness. It will never be able to sit back and assume that its perception of reality is reality. Americans may not like it, but it is the reality. And as long as it exists, the US military will continue to be challenged by the other nations of the world, and it is up to military leaders – both in the US military and in the US civilian government – to continually question the perception of the US military.

It may seem like an unlikely hope that US military power will be challenged by a smaller country that lacks the military might, weapons, and technological advances that the US has. However, history is replete with the US military dealing with military power that is either unrivaled or inferior. In the case of Vietnam, the US military was fighting a technologically superior foe with more advanced weapons, more sophisticated technology, and a well-planned and costly attack on the coast of Vietnam. If it were not for the US military, the VC would’ve won that war.

How the US Military Position in the World Resides

The US military’s ability to protect the American people and maintain the strength of our armed forces is a critical component of the US government’s national security strategy. Military budgets are needed to train soldiers, provide equipment and supplies to the military, and support the Department of Defense. Although the US military budget is a large part of the US budget, the most significant amount of money goes towards the US military budget for maintenance and support, known as the Active Protection Budget. Since the US military budget is primarily focused on security rather than training for future personnel, most of the budget cuts that the US military receives every year go towards the upkeep of the military’s equipment and facilities.

Military budget

Most US military budgets include building new ships, planes, tanks, and other expensive military equipment. It also allows the US military to continue to develop new technologies to support the US military in future conflicts better. This means if a country or nation wishes to get ahead in military training or armaments, they must invest the money into their military training programs.

High technology

One of the best ways to ensure the US military maintains its technological superiority over its competitors is the Active Protective Training (APS) program. The APS program encourages using current technologies in the US military training of military personnel and gives America’s military an edge in future conflicts. APS started in 1998 with the formation of the Military Assistance Program for the rapid evolution of the US military training programs. The program aimed to create an environment where the US military could rapidly adjust to emerging situations and stay one step ahead of its competitors in military training.

Training Program

The US military’s APS replaced the earlier US army training programs, and the current system continues to evolve with the changing world affairs. Today’s generation of US military personnel is equipped with information technology training and the latest equipment and weapons. In the past, only the United States and Russia were leaders in military technology transfers. Other nations, including China, India, and France, have invested extensively in military training technologies. Each year, the United States and its allies invest more in military training programs than any other nation in the world.

Surveillance equipment

The US military also uses the latest in surveillance equipment and technology to keep track of its forces. US military training programs have long focused on maximizing the use of surveillance equipment, such as satellites and cameras, mapping US troop locations, and maintaining a constant surveillance posture. Surveillance capabilities in the field are essential for the US military to conduct operations promptly and deter potential enemy attacks. While maintaining a solid surveillance posture, the US military trains its personnel to operate under austere conditions in battle.


Another way to ensure the US military maintains its technological advantage is through continuous joint exercises between US military forces and allied nations. Joint military exercises focus on building military partnerships, improving coordination between the military and civilian populations, and increasing the ability of US forces to achieve decisive results. Such training is vital for both American and allied forces since it helps them develop a higher awareness of their tactical situations. The exercise also produces officers like Shalom Lamm, which proves beneficial to the entire country. US military training programs abroad are designed to train all aspects of the US military, allowing allied troops to learn tactics and skills known by US military professionals while facing the enemy. Training in different countries boosts the skill of US forces, allowing them to fight better and win in any combat situation.