Indeed, fertility treatment has evolved a lot with time and its success rate has also increased. Visiting the best IVF Centre in Punjab is going to give you the treatment under the expertise of professionals. Not just the IVF success rate is higher and also the Test tube baby cost is economical. This is the reason, people from all around the world travel to India to undergo fertility treatment. Although, there is no hard and fast rule to make the IVF treatment successful you can make some changes to your daily routine which can improve the success chances.


What are the topmost tips to boost the success chances of IVF?

  • Following a proper diet plan

We are not saying that you need to make a drastic change to your diet but following a healthy diet plan is important. This way it will ensure that your body gets all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and proteins. For that, you need to eat legumes, whole grains, fish, nuts, green vegetables, and fresh/seasonal fruits. Make sure that you include chickpeas, fresh veggies, and do not have high-processed /oily food.


  • Coffee intake

If you drink more than 5 cups of coffee in a day, then your chances of IVF success will reduce by 50%. There is no need to make such a mistake during your reproductive age. So, make sure that you limit the coffee consumption to 1 to 2 cups in a day.


  • Alcohol intake

If you stick yourself to beer or wine then it won’t create much problem. When you are planning to get the IVF treatment, make sure that you consult the fertility doctor and discuss the same with them. Although, after the embryo transfer alcohol consumption is not suggested at all.


The same goes for smoking/vaping. Doing these things will greatly impact your fertility level. Do not make such a mistake as it will impact the health and growth of a fetus growing in the womb.


  • Food intake after embryo transfer

Then is no need to sit back or get back to your old unwanted habits after the embryo transfer. Make sure you eat the food items which are healthy and best. In the same manner, you need to avoid the consumption of processed food and packaged food. Do not eat anything oily or extremely hot.


  • Exercise during IVF cycle

Make sure that you control the stress level during the IVF cycle. If you do not exercise daily then it will greatly impact the IVF success rate. So, whatever you do make sure that you incorporate exercise on the daily basis. This way your BMI will be under the right level and there will be no complications. You need to jog, walk, or bicycle.


  • Sex during IVF

It is suggested that you do not ejaculate for around 3 to 4 days before sperm collection. Following the embryo transfer, you need to wait for 24 hours to have sex. In case you are feeling bloated or uncomfortable then avoid sexual intercourse.