Interactive video is a relatively new form of media that is gaining traction with marketers. Interactive video can be defined as any video which allows for user participation, either by allowing the viewer to control what they see or by providing multiple choices throughout the duration of the video. Interactive videos are becoming more popular because many people find them engaging and interactive video allow brands to reach their digital marketing goals while also generating revenue through advertisements.

Interactive video is generally used for marketing purposes, but it can also be an effective tool to use in customer service. Interactive videos are often characterized by their availability across multiple devices (including desktops, laptops and mobile phones) which make them easy for consumers who watch the videos on these different platforms to participate with ease. Interactive videos should not just be limited to video advertisements or content that you have produced yourself; brands are finding success through using interactive YouTube playlists as well.

Interactive YouTube playlists allow marketers to increase engagement because users can simply click a button at the beginning of each video they want included in their playlist while also allowing marketers another chance to include advertising within the playlist if desired. Interactive social media campaigns have proven very successful so far too – one brand that has seen great results.

Interactive social media campaigns allow customers to play games on Facebook, Twitter or any other platform in order to collect points which they can then redeem for rewards from the brand. Interactive video, when done right, will be a strong addition to your marketing arsenal and give you yet another way of increasing engagement with consumers online.

Interactive video is great for reaching consumers on different devices and allows you to engage with them in a new way. Interactive videos can be used successfully across social media, YouTube playlists and even your company websites blog; they are not limited by platform or device type which makes it easy to reach anyone with interactive video content no matter where they may be spending time online.

Interactive videos allow marketers the chance to increase engagement while also producing revenue through advertisements within their messages. Interactive videos will continue to grow as an important medium of digital marketing because of how engaging these types of ads are – 70% of marketers say that interactive video engages audiences well or very well, which means this form of advertising should only become more common over time.

The popularity of mobile devices and the ease of access to these forms of media make interactive video an important component of modern marketing strategies for marketers today. Interactive videos should be used in addition to your other digital marketing campaigns, not as a replacement or substitute; this way you can better engage consumers through multiple platforms while increasing revenue at the same time.