” Now it has happed again”-these were the words I said to my coworker after I had muted my microphone during the onboarding discussion with a new customer. What provoked that response from me was the customer’s answer to the question” Do you have an advertising account on Facebook?”. The answer was”I don’t know”. An odd answer because we knew they announced on facebook ahead. But I incontinently understood what had happed.

Their former agency had performed the advertising on their advertising account rather of on the customer’s advertising account.

Unfortunately, this is a way that some agencies work and it’s important that you don’t let them do it in the future.

Lanes noway help you in the long run.

Some agencies will argue by saying that it’s easier and faster to run the advertising through their own accounts. And yes, in that sense, they’re right. But briskly is infrequently better.

When you let an agency run the advertising from their own account rather of letting them help you set up your own advertising account, you’ll lose numerous benefits-and risk the results of your future advertising.

We at Affordit have noway and will noway run advertising through our own advertising account but will always take the time to help you set up your own account. It may take further time, but in the long run it’s always better for you as a customer. Then are 6 reasons why you shouldn’t announce through the agency’s advertising account.


You’re lumped together with the geste of the agency’s other guests.

When an agency uses its own account to run your advertising, it means that you partake the account’s character with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of other guests. Guests that you have no control over and who may announce immorally, or approach the limit of what’s respectable to announce on Facebook, or induce a large number of negative responses.

Facebook routinely shuts down advertising accounts that are decreasingly approaching inferior advertising, and if the agency you hire has collaborations with guests whose advertising is on the negative side of the diapason, there’s always the threat that your occasion to announce disappears.

Facebook can close accounts without notice and without you having the occasion to appeal the decision.


Of course, you can produce a new account and start over, but it also means that all the data you have collected through the pixel and advertising itself disappears ever. In the long run, this also means that you need to configure a new pixel on your website.

You can’t take advantage of once achievements

Facebook always wants to profit advertisers who produce high quality content. They do this by giving advertisers distribution for a lower price while advertisers whose advertisements don’t bear homemade review frequently profit from shorter announcement blessing times.


But if your advertising is run through the agency’s advertising account, Facebook will lump you together with the agency’s worst performing advertising accounts and you’ll therefore not be suitable to take advantage of the benefits that come when you as an advertiser produce quality advertisements.

You lose control of your account.

When you hand over the advertising to the agency’s account, you also give them control over who gets access to the account and since utmost agencies work with numerous other guests, you can nearly guarantee that they won’t allow you to have access to the entire account. This means that you won’t have the freedom to change or turn off advertisements if demanded.


In the long run, this also means that if/ when you choose to end the collaboration with the agency, you’ll lose all literal data that your advertising has generated. Data on which cult or announcement angles perform stylish and which would be worth their weight in gold when you want to continue your advertising.

4.” Now it has happed again”-these were the words I said to my coworker after I had muted my microphone during the onboarding discussion with a new customer. What provoked that response from me was the customer’s answer to the question” Do you have an advertising account on Facebook?”. The answer was”I don’t know”. An odd answer because we knew they announced on facebook ahead. But I incontinently understood what had happed.

  1. Their former agency had performed the advertising on their advertising account rather of on the customer’s advertising account.
  2. Unfortunately, this is a way that some agencies work and it’s important that you don’t let them do it in the future.
  3. Lanes noway help you in the long run.
  4. Some agencies will argue by saying that it’s easier and faster to run the advertising through their own accounts. And yes, in that sense, they’re right. But briskly is infrequently better.
  5. When you let an agency run the advertising from their own account rather of letting them help you set up your own advertising account, you’ll lose numerous benefits-and risk the results of your future advertising.
  6. We at Affordit have noway and will noway run advertising through our own advertising account but will always take the time to help you set up your own account. It may take further time, but in the long run it’s always better for you as a customer. Then are 6 reasons why you shouldn’t announce through the agency’s advertising account.
  7. 1. You’re lumped together with the geste of the agency’s other guests.
  8. When an agency uses its own account to run your advertising, it means that you partake the account’s character with dozens, perhaps hundreds, of other guests. Guests that you have no control over and who may announce immorally, or approach the limit of what’s respectable to announce on Facebook, or induce a large number of negative responses.
  9. Facebook routinely shuts down advertising accounts that are decreasingly approaching inferior advertising, and if the agency you hire has collaborations with guests whose advertising is on the negative side of the diapason, there’s always the threat that your occasion to announce disappears.
  10. Facebook can close accounts without notice and without you having the occasion to appeal the decision.
  11. Of course, you can produce a new account and start over, but it also means that all the data you have collected through the pixel and advertising itself disappears ever. In the long run, this also means that you need to configure a new pixel on your website.
  12. 2. You can’t take advantage of once achievements
  13. Facebook always wants to profit advertisers who produce high quality content. They do this by giving advertisers distribution for a lower price while advertisers whose advertisements don’t bear homemade review frequently profit from shorter announcement blessing times.
  14. But if your advertising is run through the agency’s advertising account, Facebook will lump you together with the agency’s worst performing advertising accounts and you’ll therefore not be suitable to take advantage of the benefits that come when you as an advertiser produce quality advertisements.
  15. 3. You lose control of the account.
  16. When you hand over the advertising to the agency’s account, you also give them control over who gets access to the account and since utmost agencies work with numerous other guests, you can nearly guarantee that they won’t allow you to have access to the entire account. This means that you won’t have the freedom to change or turn off advertisements if demanded.
  17. In the long run, this also means that if/ when you choose to end the collaboration with the agency, you’ll lose all literal data that your advertising has generated. Data on which cult or announcement angles perform stylish and which would be worth their weight in gold when you want to continue your advertising. It’ll be delicate to guarantee honest reporting of results.

Still, you’ll lose translucency in the results, If you announce through the agency’s advertising account. The Agency can, and in numerous cases will, choose to report numbers that look better than theyare.However, the agency can choose to press that it has reached X number of exposures rather, If the announcement has not generated enough leads. You’ll simply not have full sapience into all the different figures that you can dive into on Facebook’s advertising platform.

This is a veritably strong argument for always flashing through your own advertising account. All numbers and all data help you to develop both advertising and business, after which it’s of great significance that you have full sapience into all your results.

Agencies can shut you down at any time.

What happens if you and the agency differ on an tab? Well, most probably they will choose to count you from the advertising account. They fluently cancel your asset with a many keystrokes and also you have no translucency or control in the advertising account. This gives the agency an illegal advantage over you and they can take advantage of it by paying you to get data from the advertising account. But it’s your data that’s generated by your plutocrat and through your brand, you shouldn’t have to pay for it.

  1. You lose lagniappes!

An redundant thing that you miss when transferring advertising to an agency’s account is all the credit card lagniappes you induce for every penny spent. Your credit card company presumably has a perk system that generates perk points for every penny you spend. So if you have your own advertising account, you can choose to pay for the advertisements with your credit card and also inducee.g. airline tickets or hostelnights.However, on the other hand, you announce through an agency’s account,If.We at Affordit strive to be an agency where your success is at the center. We want to make long- term connections with our guests and also always produce long- term marketing strategies.

When you choose to announce with us, you always do so through your own advertising account and noway fromours.However, we will of course take the time to help you set it up through a videotape call, If you don’t formerly have an advertising account.

We attach great significance to translucency and come up with nonstop reports with all the figures you want others that may be important for your continued advertising. At the same time, you always have full sapience into the advertising account and can therefore go in yourself and study all the figures.

All of this should be the absolute least that you should be suitable to anticipate from an advertising agency and you shouldn’t accept anything lower.

Are you ready to start flashing confidently and results- acquainted? Also we’d like to get in touch with you moment.

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