When it comes to plastic and wooden toys, there are more chances that plastic toys will be bought. However, consumers do not seem to consider purchasing a wooden toy for their children. In some respects, it might be more worth getting.

Let’s think about some differences between the two. Plastic toys: they can be easily broken and the edges can hurt young children. Wooden toys, on the other hand, are more durable. If you were to stand on a toy truck made of plastic, there is a great possibility that it would break, leaving sharp edges that could cut your child; and be fit only for garbage.

Standing on a lumber truck is more likely to cause harm to you or whoever is in the truck, although one wouldn’t really suggest it. They can be played with for years and years and they still look brand new. Speaking of years and years, wooden toys can provide family stories and create fun memories in the mind. When after so many years you get to see your toy very old, since they are very durable, the old memories are refreshed. Wooden toys can be passed down from generation to generation. Because the design is rarely complex, they do not date.

Here are a few more reasons why wooden toys should be chosen over plastic ones. Many plastic toys are mechanized and do many things on their own without the help of the child. Wooden toys tend to be more passive, which means that the child has to be more involved and this can stimulate their imagination and be more stimulating. A more passive toy can also encourage greater problem-solving skills. Another reason is that wooden toys can be a nice decoration for your home when your child is out of it.

Wooden toys do not contain harmful chemicals, while plastic toys contain PVC, also known as vinyl, which can be harmful to children if they ever put the toy in their mouths. As long as they are not painted with lead-based paint, which is only likely if it is an heirloom or cheap foreign import, wooden toys do not pose any health hazards, while plastic toys may be full of chemicals that are harmful if the child ever puts the toy in his mouth.

Wooden toys give a picture of craftsmanship compared to a plastic toy. Plastic toys generally do not represent any creativity at hand. Therefore, wooden toys are considered better than plastic ones. They bring joys and refresh memories in the future