Telemarketing can be a tricky job and it is difficult for beginners to know what they need to do and how they should go about getting good at it. Fortunately, we have put together an article on 10 telemarketing tips for beginners which will help them become better in their job.

Read many articles on telemarketing tips, but not all advice is good advice. Here are 10 Telemarketing Tips For Beginners which you can confidently use at your workplace to get results.

  1. Have a Script Ready for Every Call

Telemarketers often get confused when it comes to what they should say during the call. Instead of thinking about what they should say during the phone conversation, they can have a script ready for each call. A good telemarketer understands that sales are more of being able to talk spontaneously rather than being scripted or reading out from a piece of paper.

  1. Have an Outline Ready for Every Call

Even if you are reading out from a script, it is important to have an outline ready.  An outline can be prepared for the entire discussion and it will contain all the points you need to cover while talking with clients on phone.

  1. Be Prepared to Deal with Objections

While preparing a script or outline, make sure that you take note of all objections and prepare your response. Objections can come from clients who are calling to buy something, clients who want to opt-out of telemarketing calls, or people who want to put you on hold so that they can ask someone else’s opinion before making a decision.

  1. Solicit Opinions About Your Company

People don’t mind being solicited for opinions. All you need to do is give them a reason for doing so, whether it is because you are working on the company’s website or simply because you want feedback regarding your products/services.

  1. Prepare Questions Before Making Calls

Good telemarketers know that they can make conversations go smoother by asking the right questions. Instead of talking about yourself, you should ask clients what they need so that the conversation goes towards how to solve their problems rather than talking about your product/service.

  1. Always Give After Receiving Something in Return

When making a telephone call you should always give something back to the client after receiving something from them in the call center. If you are calling up to offer someone a service or product, then be sure that you are offering something else in return. For example, if you are selling kitchen appliances, introduce some cooking tips while talking about your product.

  1. Be Positive and Maintain Good Body Language

Negativity can often be infectious so it is important for telemarketers to have a positive attitude when calling up potential clients. It doesn’t matter what you are calling about, you should have a pleasant tone of voice and good body language so that clients do not feel put off.

  1. Prepare for Cold Calls

Cold calls can be difficult to deal with because it involves reaching out to new people who might turn down your offer. A good way to deal with cold calls is by preparing a script in advance so that you have something ready for what you need to say.

  1. Ask Questions and Get Them Talking

When calling clients, it is better to ask questions rather than just talking about yourself or your product/service. When people are given time to talk they will often give you more information about what they want and as a telemarketer, it is important that you listen carefully as this can be the basis of how to work towards a sale.

  1. Be Professional at All Times

Telemarketing is considered an entry-level job in most companies, but just because it is simple doesn’t mean that you should not be professional while calling up clients. You should keep your ego in check, show respect for your clients and never use offensive language to get through to them.


Telemarketing is a valuable way to reach out to potential clients and start building a relationship. On the other hand, it can take a long time for your call to be answered or for someone to actually want what you have to offer which can often lead people to become frustrated.

The bottom line is that telemarketing is as much a skill as it is a job and if you want to be successful at it, then you need to practice. Have a script ready at all times and make sure that you follow the other tips provided in this article so that your messages are relevant and clear.