The rehabilitation period depends on the severity of the injury, ranging from one week for a minor sprain or tear to several months for a complete ligament rupture. It is also important that Best Rehabilitation center in lahore is done correctly. Failure to attend all prescribed treatment sessions or to follow a specific home exercise program can significantly increase the time to return to sport.

Other factors such as pain tolerance, degree of swelling and pre-injury body type can also affect recovery time. In all cases, the stages of rehabilitation after an injury remain the same. The goals of each phase are as follows

Stage 1 – Control pain and swelling

Stage 2 – Improve range of motion and flexibility

Stage 3 – Increase muscle strength and begin proprioception and balance training

Step 4 – Proprioception/balance training and sport specific training

Stage 5 – Progressive return to activity

During the first stage of rehabilitation

 pain and swelling (if any) are eliminated. Rest, cooling, compression and elevation (RICE) are the general rules for this phase. Techniques such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound can also be used by trained health professionals (e.g., athletic trainers and physical therapists) to assist in this process. A physician may also prescribe medication if necessary.

During the 2nd stage of rehabilitation

The second phase focuses on improving joint range of motion and muscle flexibility. Athletes are given special stretching exercises that they can do themselves or be manually stretched by a trainer or physical therapist. In this phase, stretching should ideally last no longer than 30 seconds.

During the 3rd stage of rehabilitation

The goal of the third phase of rehabilitation is to increase muscle strength. The first exercises are isometric (applying pressure to immobile objects), followed by the use of elastic bands, free weights, wrist weights and variable resistance weights.

During the 4th stage of rehabilitation

Phase 4 focuses on proprioception, balance and sport-specific training. Proprioception is the ability to always know your body’s position in space without having to turn sideways. In a word, it’s balance. When athletes are injured, their ability to balance decreases. Improving proprioception can prevent injuries from recurring.

During the 5th stage of rehabilitation

Phase 5 of rehabilitation involves a gradual return to active training. Sport-specific training consists of exercises, skills, and drills that athletes perform during games and practices. In this phase, athletic trainers and physical therapists slowly transition from basic exercises to those requiring more advanced skills as the injured athlete recovers and is able to control and apply their muscles without risk of re-injury.

After returning to competition, it is important to continue rehabilitation to prevent re-injury. Injuries can be painful, but they will heal, especially if treatment is started early and consciously. In terms of implementation.

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