Sign of Low Testosterone Level: After the age of 30, the testosterone level in men can be somewhat low, but this is not a problem, but if your testosterone level becomes too low, it can cause many symptoms and can interfere with your daily life, overall health and relationships.
Testosterone In Men: The conversation about sexual health is still associated with stigma and shame in Indian households. As a result, most individuals trying to deal with sexual health problems often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends instead of consulting best sexologist in Delhi. Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the body of both men and women. In men it originates in the testicles and affects many different bodily characteristics and functions. In men, testosterone stimulates sex drive, sperm production and the development of muscles and bones. It is also responsible for hair growth that causes deepening of the voice among other male characteristics.
Testosterone level in men after the age of 30 can be somewhat low, but this is not a problem, but if your testosterone level becomes too low, it can cause a variety of symptoms and affect your daily life. Can interfere with overall health and relationships.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
- Extra Body Weight
It is not clear whether low testosterone contributes to weight gain, or whether low testosterone contributes to weight loss. However, fat cells play a role in converting testosterone into estrogen, the major female sex hormone. That’s why healthy food and exercise are essential.
- Muscle Loss
Whereas testosterone does not affect your muscle function or strength. It is essential for building muscle. If you find that you are losing the amount of muscle mass, this may affect the maintenance of existing muscle mass along with new tissue growth due to low levels of testosterone.
- Fatigue
Are you tired all the time? It may not be just about aging or increased stress at work. You may find it difficult to motivate yourself to exercise, or you may not feel rested after a full night’s sleep. While there are many possible causes of fatigue. They also have low testosterone.
- Osteoporosis
Estrogen loss is commonly associated with older women as a side effect. Bone loss in men results from low testosterone levels. This can cause bones to fracture or compress more easily.
- Low Sex Drive
This is a condition that a lot of people ignore, because in some cases you will not feel your loss of libido. Even if she is gone. Testosterone is an important factor in triggering sex drive in men and women.
- Impotence
Testosterone stimulates the brain to produce nitric oxide—a molecule that triggers the chemical reactions necessary for an erection. Low testosterone can make it difficult for men to maintain or achieve an erection, says sexologist in Delhi.
- Low volume of ejaculation
Low testosterone causes a decrease in the amount of semen produced by your body. When this happens, the amount of semen released during intercourse may be less than the amount you are used to which may cause infertility, warns top sexologist in Delhi. Again, low semen volume in combination with other signs may indicate low testosterone production.
- Hair loss
While there are hereditary factors that influence hair loss, low testosterone also contributes to it and could be a possible culprit if you are losing body and facial hair as well.
When to see a doctor
A doctor may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy if a person is displaying multiple symptoms.
Low testosterone doesn’t always have symptoms, and some people only notice it after a routine physical exam with blood tests.
However, anyone experiencing one or more of the symptoms described above should seek medical attention.
To diagnose low testosterone, a sexologist doctor in Delhi will often perform a physical evaluation and review a person’s symptoms. The doctor may also order tests to look for additional signs.
For example, a bone density test may show reduced bone mass, a result of low testosterone.
The most common treatment is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
A doctor will usually only prescribe TRT if a person has several symptoms of low testosterone as well as blood test results that indicate a deficiency.
There are several methods of administering TRT, including:
- skin patches
- gels
- tablets that dissolve in the mouth
- injections
- tablets that are surgically implanted and release the hormone
Most people will notice symptom relief 4 to 6 weeks after starting TRT.