Solar lamps are converted into electrical energy by solar panels. Let’s take a look at the advantages and applications of solar lamps.

What are the advantages of solar lights?

1. Quotation for solar garden lights. It is the main factor affecting the price of solar street lights. Because it is composed of different parts, the price of each part will determine the price of the final solar garden light. However, with the development of science and technology, the price of the controllers of these pure electronic components will definitely decrease, and the price of the corresponding solar garden lights will also decrease.

2. He does not need to ditch and bury the line, and the amount of work is relatively small. All he had to do was install a cement base and fasten it with stainless steel screws. Because solar street lights do not need power consumption, only one investment is required, and there is no maintenance cost. Generally speaking, the investment cost can be recovered in two to three years, and the income can be obtained.

3. Solar street lights are relatively safe, using 12V power supply is not easy to get an electric shock, while ordinary street lights use 220V voltage, once leakage or short circuit may cause casualties. The service life of solar street lights is generally 5 years. With the development of photovoltaic technology, the service life will be longer and longer, while the service life of ordinary street lamps is only 2 years.

4. Due to the limitations of natural conditions such as day and night, seasons, geographical latitude and altitude, as well as the influence of random factors such as sunny, cloudy and rainy days, the solar irradiance reaching a certain ground is intermittent, extremely unstable, and difficult to achieve. Solar energy is widely used on a large scale.

Disadvantages of solar lights

1. Due to the limitations of natural conditions such as day and night, seasons, geographical latitude and altitude, as well as the influence of random factors such as sunny, cloudy and rainy days, the solar irradiance reaching a certain ground is both intermittent and extremely unstable. Making the large-scale application of solar energy more difficult.

2. The irradiance of solar radiation at noon is the highest, and the average solar energy received by an area of 1 square meter perpendicular to the direction of the sun is about 1000W, calculated according to the average day and night of the whole year, which is about 200W. It is only about half in winter and only about 1/5 in cloudy days, so the current density is very low.

Homemade Solar Lamp

The principle behind making this solar light is simple and appealing: it stores energy during the day and glows at night. Lamps in various colors (yellow, blue, red) can be bought off the shelf or made at home. A simple, low-tech method involves purchasing a conventional solar-powered yard light and collecting the light in a jar. This is just to design an existing solar light that is more attractive when hung in a house or home. A person who is smarter about electronics can use a more complicated method to make a solar light with a small solar panel on the ground, which may not be so aesthetically pleasing.

Solar Light Maintenance

If there is a problem with the solar panels in the solar light, the failure usually means the light is not on at all. It is only necessary to disassemble the solar lamp, so that the solar panel is in normal working condition, no matter whether there is voltage or current. If not, it proves to be a problem with the battery board, just replace it.

solar light circuit

The working principle of the solar lamp circuit: when there is sunlight during the day, BT1 converts light energy into electrical energy, and VD1 charges BT2. Due to light, the photoresistor is low resistance, VQ4b is extremely low, and it is turned off. When there is no light at night, the photoresistor has high impedance, VQ4 is turned on, and VQ2b is turned on at a very low level. The DC boost circuit composed of VQ3, VQ5, C2, R6, and L1 works, and the LED is energized to emit light. The core of the DC boost circuit is the complementary tube oscillator circuit.