Many organisations struggle to manage their own IT systems and the issues that arise in the day-to-day operation and monitoring of their databases. With a database management service, all your database worries are a thing of the past.
Here we have compiled a list of various benefits that your company can enjoy through a database management service:

Proactive monitoring

Using a database managed service like the cloud computing solution means that your database will be proactively monitored at all times, reducing the risk of unexpected, mission-critical database outages and ensuring the smooth running of your business.

24 Hour Service

In today’s 24-hour global culture, businesses are forced to operate around the clock, which means database access often occurs outside of general working hours. 24×7 coverage from an outsourced database management service provides continuous technical support and maintenance for your database, as well as 24×7 human interaction and problem resolution when needed.

Centralized systems

As your business grows and you have employees helping you run it, it can be difficult to keep track of the growing amount of data. Good database systems can help you centrally and securely manage all your business-critical data – whenever you need it – increasing your chances of success.

Better management of human resources matters

Using a HR database to manage HR data can save you time and money. It can streamline most of HR ‘s tasks, automate routine tasks, and speed up the processing of data such as work schedules, leave, benefits, payroll, and more. Thus, you will get more time to invest and focus on growing your business.

Managing customer data and relationships

For any business customers are the lifeblood. This is why a good customer relationship management database should be at the top of your growth plans. Full-featured CRM databases are typically powerful enough to store and process everything from customer contact data, interaction history and accounts to new prospects, leads and business opportunities. Some CRM systems can even help you execute and track marketing efforts such as email newsletters.

Efficient inventory tracking

Good inventory management with Cloud computing Solution can sometimes feel like a balancing act. It can be easy to have too much – and then be on the shelf risking losses – or too little – disappointing your customers and damaging your reputation. If you track your inventory manually, it’s also easy to miscount, make data entry errors, or misplace tables and notes. By using an inventory tracking database, especially in conjunction with electronic data interchange and barcode scanning, you can avoid these risks and minimise lost sales while maximising your opportunities for growth.

Cost efficiencies

Because of this 24-hour culture, more staff is needed to manage demand, increasing costs to the business. However, by using a database-managed service, your company can significantly reduce costs by eliminating the need for the company to have such a large in-house team of DBAs.

Extensive expertise

A database management service company like the iTelenet has a team of highly skilled and experienced employees who’re constantly learning and updating their skills to have a better understanding of the database that you are using. This makes them more cost effective for your business in the long term.

Multiplatform and version experience

A database managed service has staff who have multi-platform experience and a wealth of knowledge about a variety of different databases from different vendors. They are constantly trained by the vendors to be up to date with all database versions, and are also trained on new databases that are coming to market soon.

Better decision making

Decisions based on data are only as good as the information used. A database management system provides a framework that facilitates data quality initiatives. Better data management practices produce higher quality information that leads to better decision making across the enterprise.