T-shirts have become quite popular amongst individuals across the globe at present, and you must have got enough t-shirts to spice up your wardrobe this summer. There are quite a few brands available out there, and the ones you possess will depend largely on your style and preference. You can wear the summer t-shirts mens as standalone pieces or they can also be worn along with your summer blazer. The t-shirt happens to be a universal garment for men during the hot summer months. You can wear them on various occasions without appearing cheap or messy.

You’ll come across many types of T-shirts at present available on the market, and here, we have mentioned a few of them.

  1. The Crew Neck style

This one is perhaps the most universal T-shirt intended for men that you will come across right now. It is ideal for guys with long and narrow faces as well as sloped shoulders. This type of T-shirt features a circular and round neckline fitting at the neck comfortably as well. Nothing is better than a crew neck t-shirt when it comes to creating a timeless appearance.

  1. The V Neck style

The good thing about this kind of T-shirt is that it is going to accentuate the muscles by hugging the outline of the body firmly. Men having round or oval faces along with broad shoulders will find this T-shirt to be quite useful. It will be a good idea to put on this T-shirt along with an unbuttoned shirt which will help to enhance your personality and appearance significantly. Many celebrities across the globe are known to wear the V Neck style right now.

  1. The Henley – Y neck style

One can describe this T-shirt as a hybrid between the two types that we have mentioned above. This type of T-shirt along with a premium basic hoodie will be appropriate for men having well-built and muscular chests. It features a buttoning placket running several inches deep. The aesthetic appeal of this T-shirt is increased significantly with the inclusion of buttons.

  1. Polo T-Shirt Collar Types

Having a versatile nature, this type of T-shirt can blend admirably for casual, as well as formal occasions. The majority of the men across the globe prefer wearing this T-shirt mentioned here. You can wear it while playing sports or venturing out to the beach. The most recent T-shirts in this category feature short and long sleeves, and you can also combine them with a jacket. It will be appropriate for individuals having a short neck and a thin frame.

  1. Sleeveless T-shirts

Men having fantastic physic and who are extremely fit will not mind wearing this particular category of T-shirt. It will provide them with the perfect opportunity of displaying their muscular physique and great body, particularly during summer.

While purchasing summer T-shirts men, make sure to choose the proper fabric. The best material will be cotton if you tend to perspire excessively since it will be able to absorb the moisture. Other types of fabrics such as polyester or nylon will not be appropriate for wearing during the scorching summer.