Security is one of the biggest industries in America today. Like any large and evolving industry, the security sector has its trends. One of the biggest trends in security is virtual guarding. Thanks to advancements in AI software, having a virtual security system actually makes more sense than having staff on site for many properties. Whether it’s a business or residential property, the people who make the security decisions are increasingly choosing security systems that feature virtual guard software.

What is a Virtual Security Guard?

Virtual guarding is the practice of managing the security of a residence or business remotely with the assistance of cutting-edge technology. This is made possible and practical with advancements in both the software that runs the programs, and the next-level hardware that is currently available. Often it is a team of security guards who remotely monitor a property from a command center. From this command center they can liaise with residents, business owners, or property managers on-site. If need be, they can also contact local law enforcement should trouble arise.

Isn’t it safer to have a security guard on-site?

While there is no doubt that having a trained and certified security guard on-site will be a deterrent, a live security guard effectively doesn’t do much more than observe and report. This is exactly what a guard assisted with the best virtual guard software programs does. The vast majority of in person security professionals are trained not to intervene in an incident and to defer to law enforcement.

This is in no way suggesting that any organization should cut corners when it comes to their security needs. There is no number that is too high when it comes to what should be spent to keep people and property safe. The fact is, these gadgets and the software that helps run and coordinate them have gotten so good that in many cases businesses and residences don’t need as many on-site security personnel as they might have had in the past.

What are the best reasons to try virtual guarding?

There are three main reasons why a company or a community might want to try integrating virtual security services into their existing security programs.

1. Highly effective overall coverage. These cutting-edge virtual guard programs are incredibly effective and, in many cases, actually provide better site coverage than on-site staff. Cameras, sensors, and gates monitored remotely by highly trained security professionals can cover much more ground than one or two security guards on-site. This could be the answer for property managers in a sprawling residential community or a multi-level business setting. Think of it this way, if you’ve got a lot of ground to cover, is it better to have a team that can see everything and coordinate a response or a few people running around a large tract of land?

2. Fewer liability risks. Unfortunately, on-site security guards can pose liability risks to your organization, especially if there are firearms involved. While an armed security guard is highly trained and must go through special vetting processes, they could also open themselves up to more problems. Taking your security virtual can eliminate these risks. Virtual security guards can only observe and report; they are never in harm’s way. This can help protect your organization in ways other than security. You won’t leave yourself open to unnecessary conflict and potential lawsuits.

3. Save money. While no one should cut corners when it comes to security, the fact of the matter is many companies and HOAs would go over budget if they employed exclusively on-site staff. Virtual security can replace an entire on-site staff, or virtual guard software can be brought in to support the few on-site security guards they do have. Many companies like rolling out a hybrid plan that uses a virtual command center to help support as few as one security guard on-site. Security guards cost money, that’s the bottom line. Really good ones are irreplaceable but not all security guards are as efficient and hardworking. The need to pay for a large number of substandard security guards can be eliminated with a virtual security suite.

Virtual security is only going to become more and more refined. We’ve all seen the news reports about AI programmed robots patrolling certain streets or business campuses. While it is impossible to replace humans in many industries, security included, many new technologies are being developed every day to make the world a more efficient and safer place. Virtual security is a natural evolution for the security industry moving forward into the 21st century.