When you believe that you are ready to harness greatness in your life and achieve what you want, then you are on the right track in your life. But before you settle on your ambitions, you need to decide how you should align your aspirations with your circumstances. Most successful people learn through tragic events or terrible accidents and then learn to control their life by leveraging themselves towards greatness. You can choose a plan of action and move forward by accepting your past mistakes and seemingly wrong decisions, and understanding that the good things you have in life today are the results of the seemingly wrong decisions that you think you made.

I need to confess. I am one of Art DiNick’s greatest fans. I have read his book, ‘As fate would have it.’ He has described his story in this brilliant piece of work and has achieved extraordinary results. It is truly inspiring to read how he found success and determination after his tragic accident. Art DiNick is one of the finest writers I have come across, and his narratives guide us in developing positive thinking to achieve success and harmony in life.

Positive Affirmations or Thinking

Positive thinking is a power that we can develop to tap your other hidden powers. The more you learn about your hidden potential with positive thinking and optimism, the more you will attract people into your life. With the right resources, skills, qualities, and lessons, you can achieve any goal that you aim for. Positive thinking endlessly amazes you with the tremendous results it bears. Learning from adversity or tragedy is also important; you still learn a very important life lesson. People who have learned the true value of life and start to believe and achieve new and better results by employing positive life concepts are high achievers who do not succumb to a seemingly worthless phase easily. You seek new and better ideas in everything you do.

Achieving Greatness in life

Simple positive concepts in life can make you achieve success. These are the concepts used by millionaires and leaders in every field of life, as they are self-made winners. Their strategies to success in life are relevant, logical, inviting, and positive, which ultimately reflects in their breakthrough performance.

As fate would have it’ by Art DiNick is a book that teaches us how to utilize positive thinking and other vital concepts acquired through our life’s journey. Art DiNick’s story in the book, As fate would have it’tells us how he was able to recover from his accident and eventually come out strong to win the coveted Exxon’s patent award twice and received numerous US patents. He has also received the Marquis Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement award for his engineering accomplishments. With his positive thinking, he was able to make certain choices in life, which led him to the place where he is now today.



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