Insecticides are compounds that can be used to kill insects. They are used in various industries, including agriculture, medicine, and industry. However, they can also change ecosystem components and be hazardous to animals and humans.


In terms of severity and location, each bug issue is unique. However, anything that can’t be dealt with manually may necessitate the use of an insecticide. Therefore, it is vital to understand the correct use of insecticides to avoid any adverse effects. Here are some important facts and guidelines on how to effectively use insecticides.


Two Main Types Of Insecticides


There are two main categories of insecticides. First, the method of action of an insecticide describes how it kills or inactivates insects. It provides a new technique to divide insecticides.


These are systemic insecticides that have a long-term or residual effect. Another option is contact insecticides, which have no residual effect.


Systemic insecticides are injected into the soil and are easily absorbed by the plant roots. Once the insecticide has penetrated the origins, it spreads to the leaves, fruits, flowers, twigs, stems, and branches. It produces a protective covering on the plant’s surface and works as a poison to any insect that comes into contact. This surface area protects the insect that comes to nibble on the plant.


Insecticides that work as bullets are known as contact insecticides. They are designed to kill insects by focusing on a single target. Some very effective shoot borer insecticides work on contact activity.


Insecticide Classification 


  • Composition: It can be categorised into two types based on the chemical composition: organic and inorganic.


  • Action:Nerve poisons, physical poisons, protoplasmic poisons, respiratory poisons, chitin inhibitors, and general poisons are all examples of poisons with different modes of action.


  • Mode of entry:It is divided into fumigant poisons, contact poisons, systemic poisons, and stomach poisons based on the entry mechanism in insects.


  • Stage-specific:It can be classed as pesticides, ovicides, adulticides, or larvicides, depending on the developmental stage.


  • Toxic level: Insecticides can be of the following types based on their toxicity
  1. Less harmful – symbol: caution, colour: green
  2. Moderately toxic- symbol: danger, colour: blue
  • Highly toxic – symbol: poison, colour: yellow,

Extremely toxic – symbol: a skull with venom, colour: red


How to Use Insecticides?


The latest and advanced research has made insecticides more targeted than ever. Know the ins and outs of your operation before choosing an insecticide to use. For example, brinjal is one of India’s most popular tropical veggies. The damage produced by the Shoot & Fruit Borer and other vital pests is estimated to be between 50 and 70 per cent.


On the other side, different problems are faced by chilli crops. Fruit rot, thrips, wilt, Cercospora leaf spot, and powdery mildew are just a few of the fungus diseases that plague Chilli.


Knowing your opponent is crucial when choosing an insecticide. Some sprays are only effective against one or two types of insects, whereas others are effective against a wide range of pests. Read labels carefully and select what is relevant to the issue. Specific insecticides are available for different problems like shoot borer insecticide, thrips insecticide, etc.


Now that you know about the crop you will be using insecticide and the type of insect you are targeting, it is time to choose the insecticide that best suits your needs.


Because the insecticide hasn’t been administered to that new portion of the crop, you know that new growth will be vulnerable to pests. Also, remember that insecticides taken up by the plant have a degradation period and will no longer be entirely adequate after a while, necessitating reapplication if you’re employing a systemic strategy.


When it comes to insecticides, timing is critical. Insecticides affect several insects at different stages of their life cycle. So to prevent chemicals from leaking through the soil and into the water table, where they might damage fish and other species, avoid spraying insecticides before a rainstorm.


Insecticides, whether chemical or organic, are poisonous. The goal is to use them only when essential and in minor amounts to properly control the infestation. Some insecticides like Largo, a thrips insecticide made from the fermentation of a common soil bacterium, are safe for beneficial insects. Using such advanced insecticides can protect the crops while keeping the ecosystem safe.


Insecticides should be kept in their original containers with labels that clearly state the chemicals and application instructions.


How to Choose the Best From the Many Agrochemical companies in India?


Many agrochemical companies in India claim to have the best insecticide for your greenery. Rather than believing their claims, please read the instructions and find out about their reputation. Then, choose a practical, long-lasting effect that helps you maximise your crop yield.