Several persons in recent times know the importance of garlic and some other natural spices. Still, many people do not use these spices as often as they should because of certain generic beliefs, and they lose out on the benefits and nutrients these spices offer, which their bodies require. Garlic has a certain resistance, such that some persons do not entertain its use because of the after smell that garlic produces.

Besides garlic, several useful spices are essential to human health. One of which is called rosemary. Rosemary is the kind of spice that also qualifies as an herb because they are aromatic leaves. Still, they are also used as spices for cooking in the kitchen. Spices tend to be stronger in flavor than herbs because they are made from crushed portions of plants that are especially rich in essential oils. Also, in cooking, rosemary is used as a seasoning in various dishes, such as soups, casseroles, salads, stews, chicken, pork, steaks, and fish, especially oily fish. There’s an interesting, compatible history behind Garlic rosemary with olive oil, which should be explored. There’s a method for making or processing Fresh rosemary-infused olive oiland the same goes for garlic-rosemary-infused oil. This is to show that the rosemary spice herb is useful for many things that are healthy for consumption.

To infuse, in this context, means to steep in a liquid to extract soluble constituents that can be either herbal or medicinal. Already by now, you have the idea in your mind that fresh rosemary-infused olive oil or garlic rosemary-infused oil would be a result of careful extraction of fresh rosemary or garlic rosemary into the olive oil. And the result of this would be healthy and good enough for various consumption of certain edibles.


There’s a place for preserving your Fresh rosemary-infused olive oil and your garlic rosemary-infused oil. Careful preservation helps the word ‘Fresh’ to be valid. This is because these kinds of spices are better and more useful when well preserved. The garlic-infused flavored oil can be stored in an airtight container, refrigerated, for up to 1 month. Also, the aroma and flavor of the fresh leaves can’t be beaten when it’s time to infuse the oil and then use it. However, when you rinse the rosemary dry it completely before making the oil. Homemade rosemary oil can last 6 months if you keep bottles tightly closed and out of direct light.