A vehicle’s paint is not there for mere aesthetics. Beyond its visual appeal, the quality of the paint job impacts a car’s lifespan. Car paint acts as a protective layer to shield the exterior from the elements. Additionally, this coating indirectly protects internal components from rust, corrosion, and water damage. For these reasons, gearheads always follow regular car paint protection practices.

This article is for first-time vehicle owners or seasoned drivers who just discovered the importance of protecting your car paint. We have prepared a list of car paint protection guidelines you can follow regularly.

A Quick Guide on How to Protect Your Car Paint

This quick guide will help protect your car from severe paint damage and costly repainting.

Wash your car regularly.

An essential tip to protect your car paint is to wash your vehicle regularly. How often should you wash your car? The rule of thumb is every two weeks.

Regular washing removes dirt, stains, grime, rain marks, bird droppings, and other residues that accumulate on the car exterior over time. These deposits can be corrosive. Corrosion is one of the main reasons for paintwork fading and scratches.

Apply paint protection spray.

Regular car washing is not enough if you don’t do it right. The best way to properly wash and maintain your car exterior paint is to use quality cleaners, degreasers, and applicator tools. Finally, apply a paint protection spray before rinsing it with a pressure washer.

A car paint protection solution is quick and easy to apply, even on wet surfaces. This spray coating is the final touch that will leave your vehicle with a brand-new and glossy look.

Use wax coating and sealant.

Aside from regular washing and applying paint protection solutions, you can rely on wax and sealant to boost your car’s clear coat. The clear coat is a vehicle’s default defence against corrosive elements, especially if you drive off-road or during harsh weather. An extra layer can enhance its performance.

While wax and sealants will not 100% shield your car paint from common contaminants, the additional coating minimises damage and reduces the chance of scratches and scrapes.

Invest in a good car cover.

Most car owners don’t realise that direct and extended exposure to UV rays leads to fading paint and coat deterioration. As many have discovered too late, UV light is the number one contributor to oxidation and fading in automobile paint. The paint’s reaction to these harmful rays makes your car look worn out.

Your car can’t hide from the sun as you drive during the daytime; you can keep your car safe when not in use. Keep your vehicle in your garage. If a garage is not an option, use a quality car cover. Covering your car protects it from the harsh elements and contaminants mentioned in this article.

Following this guide will ensure that whether you have a brand-new or a pre-owned vehicle, your car will stay sleek and glossy for years!