Stubborn belly fats are the most common roadblock in anyone’s weight loss journey. Chances are you followed a strict diet and worked out regularly, but those stubborn fat deposits just don’t disappear. Traditionally, people opt for surgical treatments like liposuction to get rid of stubborn pockets of fats, but these treatments come with risks like infection, numbness, and scarring. That’s why the non-invasive method like fat-freezing, formally called cryolipolysis, is becoming increasingly popular.

Fat freezing has revolutionized the health and fitness industry with its safe and convenient way of eliminating stubborn fat. In fact, over the last few years, it has emerged as the better alternative to surgical treatments, thanks to its non-invasive nature and natural-looking results.

Fat Freezing Basics

Fat freezing is a non-invasive method that uses advanced cooling technology to freeze fat cells on specific parts of the body. The treatment specifically targets ‘highly sensitive’ fat cells leaving surrounding cells intact. The dead cells are then eliminated from the body through biological processes. Whether it’s a stomach, thighs, or double chin, this safe and effective method can help you achieve a toned and sculpted-looking physique across any part of the body.

Fat freezing treatment is best for areas that don’t respond to the strictest diet and exercise. By combining treatment with a healthy diet, and regular exercise, you can observe dramatic changes in your looks, confidence, and overall appearance.

What Happens During a Fat Freezing Treatment

  • The treatment begins by placing applicators on a specific part of your body. As the freezing process starts, you can feel a slight sucking sensation, but it won’t be painful. These applicators safely apply controlled cooling on the specific area to freeze the fat.
  • The session can last for around 30-45 minutes. So you can relax yourself by reading a book, taking a nap, or listening to some good music. After the session, the treatment provider may provide massage to disperse targeted fat cells.
  • The frozen dead cells will eventually be eliminated from the body through the lymphatic system. Getting a fat-freezing treatment can be rewarding because there is barely any downtime, and it doesn’t cause any risk to your health.

Four Compelling Reasons to Try Fat-Freezing Procedure

Treat Multiple Areas

The treatment is designed to eliminate stubborn pockets of fats across various body parts, including thighs, stomach, chin, arms, ankles, knees, etc. It simply freezes fat cells at extremely low temperatures, and you are good to go. Thousands of people who have opted for the fat freezing method feel more satisfied with their fat reduction results.

Minimally Invasive

For many people, the idea of going under the knife is frightening as it involves a plethora of complications. Botched cosmetic surgeries can result in permanent scarring, stitches, scars, nerve damage, bruising, etc. That’s why they prefer fat freezing. Unlike surgical options, fat freezing involves fewer risks. They tend to be safer and don’t cause side effects like infection, numbness, and redness.

Quick and Convenient

Fat freezing is completely non-invasive, so you don’t have to worry about needles, incisions, or surgery. These treatments are usually done in a clinic, not in a hospital. So these treatments can be completed in a matter of minutes with no downtime or pain. More importantly, they don’t require anesthesia. From work to gym workouts, you can resume your normal routine after the treatment.