Surrogacy in Georgia involves all of the same risks and taxing steps as a traditional birth. So, we can say that the surrogates may also be burdened further by problems relating to legal contracts and IVF-related risk.

This is where to prevent any given physical issues; surrogate must receive sufficient medical support and care during pregnancy and labor. In addition, the majority of surrogate mothers develop an emotional bond with the children they carry for the duration of the pregnancy.

For the surrogate mother to maintain her mental health, psychological support is highly crucial. The risk of surrogacy has been detected by current medical science, though, and all health issues are constantly being handled by skilled specialists. But before you decide to become a surrogate at surrogacy clinic in Georgia, it is crucial to be aware of the risks involved.

Physical Health Issues

Transmission of Infection

The risk of spreading an infection exists in both traditional and gestational surrogacy in Georgia. That said, the two most prevalent illnesses that can be passed from the intended parents or gamete donors to the surrogate mother through the egg or sperm are HIV and hepatitis.

Therefore, a complete medical examination of the intended parents and gamete donors is necessary before moving forward. It is strongly advised that you should connect with a licensed surrogacy clinic in Georgia to carry out the procedure, where all medical exams are carried out completely and without any compromise. Before beginning the process, even self-insemination surrogacy involves thorough medical examinations of the potential father.


Surrogacy in Georgia


Pregnancy symptoms

Morning sickness, giddiness, weight gain, back discomfort, swallowing, and digestive problems like heartburn are all frequent ailments that surrogate moms must endure throughout the entire gestation period. Additionally, gestational hyperglycemia and hypertension can occur in certain surrogates.

Adverse drug reactions

When surrogates’ eggs have been harvested, the surrogates are typically given hormone injections to stimulate their ovaries. Premenopausal symptoms including headaches and mood swings may become more severe as a result. Additionally, fertility medicines are prescribed to raise the likelihood of conception. Some allergic symptoms, on the other hand, may be caused by these medicines.

Reproductive issues

For improved surrogacy results, more than one embryo is typically transplanted during gestational surrogacy into the surrogate’s womb. But surrogate moms may find it challenging to carry several embryos. Additionally, giving birth to twins or a triplet is a difficult task for surrogate mothers. In several case histories, uterine rupture and postpartum hysterectomy were mentioned as complications of giving birth to numerous children or macrosomic newborns. To prolong a safe pregnancy, especially while carrying several kids, surrogates must adhere to all medical recommendations made by their doctors.

Mental Health Risk

During the pregnancy, the surrogate mothers may experience physical discomfort, psychological stress, and all of the pregnancy-related perceptions. All these modifications encourage a surrogate mother to form an emotional attachment to the child that she carried throughout the entire gestation period. Detachment from the child after delivery frequently results in emotional health problems. For the surrogate mother to manage the issue and live the remainder of her life joyfully, psychological counseling and mental health support are crucial.

The risks associated with surrogacy in Georgia are, however, being addressed by the development of medical science and properly accredited surrogacy and IVF clinics. Gradually, the success rate of surrogacy is rising, and many women are being encouraged to become surrogates in order to assist other infertile couples or single parents who are in desperate need.