We all love our dog, no questions asked. However, no matter how much you love your dog, no one likes it when they are being unruly, impolite, and undisciplined. Dogs and puppies are like children; you have to teach them everything from the beginning if you want them to learn good manners. That is why puppy obedience training is so important. 

Welcoming a new puppy to your home is always a joyful and exciting experience. Not to mention, you and your family are all set for an amazing adventure. But if you want to have a good adventure, you need to make sure that your puppy understands a few things from the beginning only. Every dog must understand what is expected of them and what their boundaries are. Now, it does not mean that you have to restrict your puppy from things they love to do. The point of behavioral training is to keep your puppy and others safe. Also, dogs feel better and happier when they understand they have boundaries and what is expected of them. 

So, if you are a new dog parent, here are a few dog obedience training tips you must remember. These tips will help you train your puppy in a better and much easier way.

Tip 1. Don’t drag it too much

One of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to training their puppies is they keep the training sessions too long. Many people believe that they can train your puppy even more with long sessions. But that is not how this works with puppies. You have to understand that puppies have very short attention spans. That means they are able to do only one thing at a time. So, you should focus on teaching them one skill at a time and move on only when your pup has mastered it.

Tip 2. Consistency is the key

Ask any professional trainer, and they will tell you that the key to training your pup well is consistency. It is similar to how a kid learns spelling words and other things in school. They need a lot of practice! So, make sure that when you are teaching your pup, you are consistent and practicing commands over and over with him/her.

Tip 3. Motivate your pup with rewards

You need to motivate your pup for training. Fortunately, motivating dogs is not too difficult. All you need to do is to give rewards and praises when they give a positive response to your commands. If your pups follow your commands and show good behavior, make sure you encourage them. Give them their favorite treats or praise them every time they show good behavior. This will encourage them to do that over and over again. Just make sure you are not giving them too many treats. 

Puppies are loving, cute, and adorable. So, just make sure that you train them well from the beginning to ensure that they stay healthy and safe as they are growing up.