Avoid putting out fires on your boat

Boat owners should be concerned about a fire aboard their boat. It can cause serious damage and possibly personal injuries.

We’ll be looking at the situations that require extra caution and the fire safety equipment that you should bring aboard your boat.

More than 10% of boaters have been in an accident.

The Odense University Hospital’s Accident Analy Group conducted a 2020 study to find out why small vessels are catching fire. Nearly 10% of the respondents to the survey said that their boats were involved in accidents.

Refuelling should be done with extra caution. Refuelling requires that the engine be turned off, and all heating appliances, heaters, and other similar appliances are also turned off. Refuelling is not permitted for smoking.

You should check your boat’s engine for fuel leaks if it stops while you are sailing. For more information on how to prevent fires or explosions on your boat.

Gas grill on board – The gas grill is a great way to enjoy a delicious, light meal. A fire extinguisher is always handy. This is our miniature fire extinguisher. This fire extinguisher is not the only one.

Firefighting equipment

More information is available from the preventive fire about proper on-board firefighting equipment. You must have firefighting equipment readily accessible so you can respond quickly. Every boat should have a minimum of a 2kg extinguisher. A 1 kg extinguisher is also needed. You should have at least one 6kg fire extinguisher if you have a large vessel. Be aware, however, that advanced firefighting systems are available for engine rooms.
Fire extinguishers are equipped with mounts, which can be mounted in almost any location. You should ensure that they are easily accessible from the cabin.

ABC dry powder fire extinguishers have the following characteristics:

  • A = Organic Materials – Fires that involve wood, paper, or textiles
  • B = Liquid – fires involving petrol, oil etc.
  • C = Gas fires
  • They can also extinguish electric flames up to 1000 volts from a distance of 1 meter.

After five years, dry-powder fire extinguishers must be tested for pressure. Since these tests are often more expensive than new dry-powder extinguishers, many people opt to purchase a brand new extinguisher.

Fire extinguisher manometer – The boat fire extinguisher Manometer must be in the open field. Remember to change the fire extinguisher every five years or have it inspected.
What should you do if there is a fire at sea?

Do not panic if fire breaks out

All passengers should be onboard outside, possibly on the windward side.
Everybody should have a life jacket.
If you have a rubber dinghy, make sure it is available and tie a line to it while casting it off. This will ensure that it floats free from the vessel.
Any gas canisters should be thrown overboard.
To reduce air flow, it is important to keep the fire out of your home.
If possible, turn off the fuel supply to your engine.
Spray the fire extinguisher in the area that is being affected by the fire. However, don’t open the container more than you are strictly required.
To call for assistance, use distress signals
Finally, stay aboard as long as possible. You must abandon ship on the windward side, or into the wind.

Keep a first aid kit with you

It is a good idea to have a first aid kit with you when you sail on boats. Everyone should have a first aid kit. You need one in case of serious bleeding. It is also important to have one for small injuries. The most essential equipment that you will need in an emergency is included in our first aid kit.
The bag’s contents are divided according the 1-2-3 system. This is for small, medium and large injuries. It also includes a respirator and emergency blankets. Compression bandages, scissors, protective gloves and safety pins are included.