Social media has become a crucial part of our daily lives. 

In 2020, nearly half of the world was on social media. Moreover, as technology becomes more accessible, user growth will increase. By 2025, we can expect near 4.41 billion users worldwide

For business owners this means two things:

  1. You better be on social media.
  2. You must have a strong game plan.

Whether you are just starting or have been around the block a time or two, we have got your back with tips to elevate your game plan and set it in motion.

Social Media Marketing Strategy Tips

Here are surefire tips to help you elevate and build social media marketing strategies and grow your business to new heights. 

Conduct social media audit 

Whether revamping an existing strategy or creating a new one, taking stock of what you already have is the first step. The audit helps unearth insights and ideas that you can use to guide and inspire your new strategy. 

Here are a few things you need to look at:

  • What type of content resonates with your audience? Which content is underperforming based on your expectations?
  • Who makes up your current followers, and what are their interests?
  • How often do you post, and when? What times seem to get you the most engagement? 
  • How often do you reply to questions on social media, and how quickly? 

The audit helps identify opportunities for improvement and helps inform the strategic work ahead of you.

Set SMART Goals

Having a solid plan, objectives, and goals is crucial to jumpstarting your social media strategy. Moreover, your social media goals should align with your overall marketing efforts. 

So, be specific and set clear and SMART objectives. 

SMART objectives are:

Specific – set straightforward goals. It helps align your actions with your vision. 

Measurable – make sure your goals are attainable. Identify and forecast your reach so things will go smooth. 

Achievable – when setting the goals and objectives, be realistic. Aim for something that you know your brand can achieve. 

Relevant – make sure your goals and objectives provide invaluable results and have a positive impact on the overall aspect of your business. 

Time-bound – set a time frame to establish what you want to achieve.

To excel in social media, set clear goals and stay focused.

Choose the right social media platforms 

Nope! You do not have to be on every social media channel present to increase and grow your business. Choose the platforms that compliment your brand well and work best with your marketing strategy. 

Also, when choosing the platforms, you need to understand who your target audience is and how they would respond to each platform. The best way to choose a social media platform for your business is to define your audience’s key demographics, such as age, gender, hobbies, occupation, etc. You can also send your email list a short survey on their social media habits.

In general, each platform has a broad type of audience already baked in. For instance, if you are a B2B business, LinkedIn is your go-to platform. If your brand markets to younger consumers, Snapchat is worth looking at. If you are a consumer-facing brand that is particularly visual, Instagram is the perfect platform for your beautiful images.

Set up a calendar 

You might have heard stories of businesses burning out after a month or two of posting. 

From creating engaging content to coming up with hashtags and captions to finding time to post on social media can become a black hole.  

Thus, to successfully set up a social media content calendar and follow the schedules according to plan. Calendars keep your efforts organized and help you carefully curate your brand’s consistent content output. You can see your upcoming posts as well as what you will be communicating and through which channel. Also, you can better visualize your post timing so you can space them out accordingly. 

Invest in the right tools

In due course, you will face the challenge of juggling multiple channels simultaneously. However, with the right tools, you can ace your strategies in a few clicks. Automation helps save your time and productivity. 

Invest in tools that help you in posting, setting schedules, and customer support. Such automation will decrease your workload efficiently. 

Generate engaging content that converts

Content is the key to social media marketing, but also the hardest step. Creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience and engages them is both an art and a science. 

It requires finding creative ways to stand out amongst the bout of other posts and ads your target audiences scroll through every day. Social media audit and audience insights act as guideposts for inspiration during this step. Moreover, looking at how others approach this step can also inspire and help unlock new ideas. 

You can also take the help of social media marketing agency India to help build engaging and relevant content. 

Humanize your brand

Digital innovations have made it easier to communicate, but it is the emotion that we miss out on.

Humanizing your brand means going beyond the glass tops of digital screens. Show your audience behind the work scenes. These include what goes in your office and show the people behind your brand.

Brand stories help the audience connect to your brand. Stories tell them what you stand for as well as they display your culture and values.

For example, you can share your plans for fun team-building activities. Let employees take over your social media occasionally and connect with the audience.

Collaborate with influencers

Gaining your audience’s trust on social media in a heavily saturated environment is quite challenging. Therefore, partnering with micro and macro influencers in your niche is one of the tremendous social media tips for businesses. 

Influencers help you advertise products more genuinely and on a personal level to your clients. When you collaborate with a well-known influencer who has a large following in your industry, you expose your brand to a new audience that may not be familiar with it.

Interact with followers

Social media is all about being social. Thus, interacting with your followers will help you create positive relationships. Communicate with your followers often to help grow a more loyal follower base as loyal followers can be the best advocates of your brand.

Respond to mentions, messages, and comments to show your followers that your brand cares about their opinions. Also, you can engage with followers by asking questions and creating opportunities that encourage interaction between you both. 

However, keep in mind that your interactions add value to your brand and give off a good impression, even if you’re answering a negative comment.

Embrace your mistakes 

We all are humans, and we make mistakes. Thus, embracing your mistakes is especially important in the fast-growing world of social media. 

Do not ignore your mistakes, accept, and apologize for the same. Mistakes help you learn. So, work on them and tell your customers about them. They will love to hear that you worked on your mistakes to provide them with better services.

Also, you can publish a post from your social media accounts telling how you handled the error.


Social media marketing can be hard. But the benefits you gain are difficult to ignore. Therefore, creating a solid social media marketing strategy is an important component of your entire marketing approach. Elevate your social media strategy by using the 10 social media marketing tips listed above. 

Also, measure the impact of your social media marketing efforts and learn more about your target audience by using social media analytics tools.

Stay tuned with us to learn more about social media marketing tips to get your brand wheel spinning and your business moving forward.