Wicked ChiefEditor DiyaSaini


The Monkeypox has an affinity for the Gays

The UK Health Security Agency has confirmed the Monkeypox favorites are the Gays. Gays are left on the hook after this Discovery, feeling that the struggle for their rights to be recognized globally was not enough. Now, The monkeys are assaulting their tribes. As preventive measures, the gay fraternity started buying Monkeys as pets; the shortage of Monkeys has increased; where Monkeypox is on the rise.

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The United States

Did President Biden consider this a victory or a defeat?

President Biden announced through his trumpet on 4th June that they have secured another 33 million bottles of safe baby formula from Nestlé. As the nation went hit by a shortage of formula for raising kids due to excessive shooting, the malfunctioning could have gone through the wrong formula. Biden took this mission to heart and set out enthusiastically by announcing his victory. Later, he faced an unexpected occurrence that finished him in biting on condoms.

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French President Macron is unable to operate without Macaroni

Macron expanded everybody’s brow around the World when he voiced,” We should not speak ill about Russia; it would close the window for diplomacy with them. Further added, he was planning on talking to Russia after the war. ” One could effortlessly conclude that Macron is a hidden associate of Russia who claims to know when the war will end. Many countries schedule to espionage Macron’s every move, mainly after eating Macaroni as his ignition automatically switches to power mode.

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Touchpoints of DiyaSaini

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