If you’ve ever taken an introductory class on software development, chances are you’ve heard the term decentralized thrown around in conversation or even used to describe your program structure in one of your projects. But do you know why this concept is so important? In the Web3.0 landscape, a decentralized  Developer approach to software development can be crucial to building and designing next generation applications that harness the power of distributed ledgers.

What is a decentralized developer?

A decentralized developer is someone who has a keen understanding of blockchain and decentralized technologies and can create applications that run on these technologies. The most important factor to consider when developing a decentralized application is how it will be used by end users, as well as how they’ll interact with it. The best way to ensure user satisfaction is to keep the UI simple, while providing them with functionality that’s relevant to their needs. When building your decentralized app, you should make sure that security is at the forefront of your mind throughout development and testing phases, as this will be key for users who need assurances about their privacy and safety when using your product or service.

Why are they important?

Decentralization is changing the game for developers and companies who are designing for a decentralized web. Unlike traditional centralized systems, where many applications and services are built to run on one server, decentralized networks allow developers to build apps with no single point of failure or control. And because these networks are open source, anyone can contribute to them by building new features or fixing bugs — which is why it’s important for companies to have a decentralized developer on staff: they’re needed to be able to make changes quickly as blockchain-based networks evolve, and they need specialized knowledge that may not be available elsewhere.

What skills do they need?

In many cases, developers are hired for their skills with a specific language or platform like Ruby on Rails or React. In the decentralized world, developers will need to be fluent in multiple languages like Solidity, JavaScript and HTML5. Developers also need to know how to design and write smart contracts which means they’ll need to be proficient at math and cryptography. The decentralized developer needs to be well-versed in all web technologies: HTTP servers, SQL databases, NoSQL databases, data storage techniques including key/value stores, caching layers and database replication methods for redundancy’s sake. Finally, it’s important for developers to know their system architecture inside out so that they can implement scaling solutions as more users come online.

What platforms are they using?

Web 3.0 is an internet with a decentralized architecture, meaning that Web3 and services will be running on nodes all around the world, instead of being hosted on a centralized server. The decentralized web is not just about bit coin and ether, but rather it’s about building new kinds of apps that are no longer controlled by a single entity or central source; they’re distributed across millions of computers around the world. This can only happen if developers start building things like search engines, social networks, e-commerce platforms and more using blockchain technologies such as Ethereum Smart Contracts and Interplanetary File System (IPFS).