Perth firewood

If you are buying Perth firewood, it is important to ensure you choose the right firewood. There are a few important questions to ask your firewood provider before spending your money on firewood. Whether you are entertaining friends or heating your home for winter, here are some of the most important things to consider when buying firewood.

Is the firewood safe?

If you are using an indoor wood fireplace or wood stove, creosote is a big concern. It will be released by burning wood but if you burn wet wood, it will release more creosote into your flue and chimney and this will increase the risk of a chimney fire.

It is therefore important to ensure that the wood is properly dried to reduce this risk. You should ask firewood suppliers whether they have certified arborists on the team.

Is the wood seasoned?

When buying firewood, it is crucial to ensure you are buying seasoned wood. You should know how to check whether the wood is properly seasoned to avoid buying wood that has a lot of moisture content. The total moisture in properly-seasoned wood should be below 20 percent after seasoning. This makes for excellent burning.

Is the wood delivered and stacked?

You should ask your wood supplier whether they will deliver the wood and stack it for you. Transporting and stacking wood needs a lot of labour especially if you don’t have the right experience and tools. That is why you should ask your supplier to do it for you because they have more experience than you.

Is the firewood from the right tree species?

Hardwoods are known to make quality Perth firewood. On the other hand, softwoods don’t make good firewood as they burn out faster and don’t produce as much heat as hardwoods. This is why you need to ensure you get wood from the right tree species.