Undoubtedly, if you want mental peace, you need to surround yourself only with positivity. You also need to find some positivity in the negative things. It is the only thing that can give you happiness and boost your mind to make your life better. However, there are many inevitable things that happen in life, and it is enough to make you stressed.

And if you don’t take any positive steps to cope with this situation, it can turn into anxiety and depression. So, it would be better to involve yourself in some activity like listening to motivational videos or reading books. There are many online platforms like the creator of wake up with Marci, where you can listen to their personal experience and story to boost your mind and improve your self-esteem.

Moreover, you may experience that you get frustrated with the negativity your thoughts seemingly force upon you. But, here is the good news, you can do something for yourself about how you feel. The emotions you have are indeed due to what you feel right now.

So, involve yourself in some positive activity and divert yourself to boost your mindset. However, once you listen to positive things and talk with the people who are positive thinkers, you will also start to think positively, and ultimately it brings more positive vibes into your life.

Here are the most powerful ways that help you bring more positive thoughts


Read books that encourage, inspire, and keep you motivated. It doesn’t mean reading the book; you know about that earlier. You can read any book continuously that feeds your mind with positivity and motivational thoughts. You can also read the chaos to clarity book; it will enhance your mindset and bring more positivity to your life.


You can listen to audio of speakers who deliver motivational thoughts by sharing their personal experiences and story. Actually, these audios are easy to listen to any time when you are cooking, washing clothes, or cleaning the house.


Focus, it sounds easy, but it is not. It is easy to focus on negative things but finding the positive thing on that is typical. But with the creator of wake up with Marci, you will be able to focus on positive things and add more positivity to your life.

The Bottom Line

Undoubtedly, peace of mind comes when you think about positivity. However, it is not easy to always keep yourself involved in the positive things, as there are many negative things that come from certain incidents. But with the creator of wake up with Marci and other motivational content and videos, you can add positivity to your life.