Web development in .NET Framework has improved its user experience to the maximum extent possible and that too with minimal cost. New-age web applications in .NET Framework have great architecture and infrastructure that allow seamless development of complex ASP.NET Web Development solutions. 

This also allows web developers to concentrate on their core competency as they are not bothered about infrastructure details. It also provides better flexibility, scalability and performance to developers who can enjoy. The luxury of creating ASP applications using best practices during the application lifecycle management, code reviews, refactoring, etc. 

Now-a-days, it has become very important to make and maintain websites as user friendly and faster with simple. Web interfaces for better sales promotion, information provision and improvement in productivity levels.

Having created and managed more than 25 .NET web applications, from simple applications to complex and highly secure web applications. Handle billions of dollars worth of transactions per day, we have accumulated some valuable best practices over the years. 

Benefits of using ASP.Net for Web Development Project

ASP.Net is a powerful platform that is continuously evolving to meet the needs of Custom ASP.NET Development and designers. Below are the top ten benefits that make it a great choice for web development 

  1. HTML5 and CSS3 – because these languages have been developed with new standards in mind, they work better with many mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, etc.; 
  2. Bootstrap framework – Bootstrap helps to create responsive layouts which display on screens of all sizes; 
  3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and media queries – these allow a designer or developer to create style sheets which provide different styling depending on the size of your screen; 
  4. Asynchronous JavaScript – when scripts run synchronously this can slow down performance because your browser has to wait until each script has finished executing before proceeding; 
  5. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) – JSON was created as an alternative to XML and comes with built-in features such as the ability to encode arrays and objects; 
  6. Visual Studio Code Editor – code editors offer programmers everything from syntax highlighting, code completion, linting tools, Git integration, IntelliSense and more; 
  7. Razor View Engine – Razor views generate markup dynamically by interpreting server-side language statements instead of generating static HTML files; 
  8. Support for AJAX requests – AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML and is designed to give you fast response times while still providing content via asynchronous requests rather than full page refreshes every time something changes on a website; 
  9. Error Handling – Error handling saves us from potential errors caused by exceptions and unhandled errors; 
  10. The power of MVC architecture – MVC offers a modular approach to building web applications, separating the back end logic (server side), user interface logic (presentation layer), and data access logic (model layer).

Let’s have a look at some of the best practices. Here to help you create great applications that are well-tested and supported by our team, helping you stay ahead of your competition! We hope this guide helps you develop your next great application!

1. Embrace Latest Version of ASP.NET Core

You should keep your application updated with the latest features, bug fixes, and security updates that Microsoft releases. To find out when new versions are available, subscribe to our blog and check the What’s New page on our site often. 

With the release of .NET Core 3.0, it’s important to upgrade your application for compatibility with a growing number of browsers and devices. A few common practices you may want to consider implementing in order to reduce cost

2. Avoid blocking calls

This is another best practice that might not seem like a big deal but blocking the UI thread can lead to performance issues. If you are using an API or making a web service call then it’s okay to block the UI thread. 

However, if you are just calling into a framework class that has no async capability then don’t do it. For example, if you are accessing UserInfo from the FormsAuthentication namespace and it has no async functionality and calls WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() then don’t do this because this will be synchronous and will block the UI thread from responding to user input. 

Instead make sure that you create a new instance of UserInfo and use its asynchronous methods instead (see MSDN for details).

3. Minimize Allocating Large Objects in Hot Code Paths

There are a few best practices that can help improve the performance of your application. One is to avoid allocating large objects in hot code paths. This minimizes the time it takes to allocate and free memory, which reduces the number of page faults. 

Large objects allocated in these paths will hold on to more memory. Minimize the amount of time spent freeing memory by minimizing allocation rates in hot code paths.

4. Optimize Data Access

One of the best ways to get the most out of your website is to optimize it. When it comes to optimization, there are a number of different things that you can do. However, one of the easiest and most effective strategies you can use involves optimizing data access by employing various caching mechanisms. 

Caching provides performance gains by minimizing trips from your application server to your database and decreases processing load on both.

5.  Optimize Frequently-called Code Paths

This is a tough one to implement, but worth the time and effort. The key to this best practice is to identify the functions or code paths that are called most often in your application and make them as efficient as possible. 

These frequent-called code paths can be identified by using performance counters or by using a profiler. Once you know where your hot spots are, you need to figure out how to reduce the number of calls on these code paths. 

You can do this by caching data in memory or reducing the amount of data that is sent over the wire through HTTP requests. And if all else fails, there’s always good old fashioned optimization techniques such as loop unrolling, iterating with pointers instead of arrays, and so on.

6. Complete long-running Tasks outside of HTTP requests

This best practice is vital to any server-side application. A long-running task is any task that takes a longer time to finish than the amount of time it takes for a HTTP request and response. When a task takes too long, then there are no more resources available for concurrent requests. 

For example, this might be a service that sends email notifications for your company that take 30 minutes. If you have 8 people sending out emails at the same time, but each email takes 30 minutes to complete, then those tasks will block each other because they’re all taking too long! 

The general solution to this problem is to try and execute those tasks outside of HTTP requests by using separate threads or asynchronous callbacks.

7. Use HttpClientFactory to Pool HTTP Connections

The HttpClientFactory class provides a static factory method called CreateClient. This static factory method creates an HttpClient object that is shared by all threads. To configure the lifetime of the HTTP connection, you can use the StaticInitializer block to create an instance of HttpClientFactory. 

8. Loading on Demand

Loading on Demand is a technique used to improve web performance. This best practice involves loading only the required elements on demand, when they are needed. It helps avoid downloading unnecessary components and reduces page size. 

Using this technique to load JavaScript, CSS and images will increase your website’s loading speed for any user.

9. Minification & Bundling of Client Assets

Minification and bundling of client assets is a very important best practice for the performance of your web application. It is size of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML resources. Bundling allows you to package multiple modules into one file which can reduce the number of round-trips to the server for each request. 

The benefits of minifying and bundling are that it will help your site load faster, use less bandwidth, load much quicker on mobile devices with slower connections. It will be easier for search engine crawlers to read.

10. Reduce Application’s Response Size

When building an application, you want it to load quickly, so response time is a crucial aspect to consider. Ideally, you’d like the page to load in less than 1 second and display on the browser before a user can even move their mouse. The three aspects of an application’s response size are bandwidth usage, download time and latency. Reducing the response size by employing some best practices will optimize each one of these three aspects:

  • Optimize images:-  Image optimization is a process where one reduces the file size and pixel dimensions without affecting its visual quality. The key is not just decreasing the file size but also maintaining visual quality when scaling down images. There are plenty of image editing software that allow for this, such as Photoshop or GIMP. 
  • Reduce JS/CSS files:– Using JavaScript libraries or CSS frameworks for your web design could lead to big file sizes as well. It’s important to check if you need all those features offered by these libraries and frameworks because they might slow down the loading times too much if included. Check out CodePen for examples of popular JS libraries that offer tons of features but have very small weights (<50kb). 
  • Remove unused code:– Many developers include extra code and all during runtime in order to increase productivity (easing debugging later on). However, this creates more unnecessary bytes which slow down performance considerably.


I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my post. If you have any suggestions for next week’s topics or have a subject or a topic you’d like me to write about, leave a comment below! 

There are many ASP.NET Application Development Services companies in the market that have expertise in building high quality websites and web applications, so don’t hesitate to Hire ASP.NET Developers if you can afford it. You might be able to find a company that offers a free quote or an estimate as well as various packages and rates so you can choose what is best for your needs.