Are you looking for the best business schools in the UK? Below stated is a list of top-ranked business schools in the UK. The ranking given to these schools is based on career progress, employment, faculty, internationalization, and Alumni’s weighted salary. Let’s discuss top-ranked business schools in the UK.

top ranked business schools in th UK

London Business School


London Business School (LBS) is the business school of the federal university of London. LBS was established 57 years ago in 1964 and offered master’s degrees in management, finance, Ph.D., and MBA. It has been consistently ranked number one business school in the UK. The main campus is located in Sussex Place in London.


ESCP Business School


ESCP business school is a multi-campus European business school. It was established on 1 December 1819 in Paris. Its other campuses are located in London, Madrid, Turin, and Warsaw. It consistently ranked among the best business schools in Europe.


Saïd Business School


Saïd Business School (SBS) is a business school of the university of oxford established in 1965. SBS offers graduate degrees in business management and finance and undergraduate degrees in economics and management.


Warwick Business School


Warwick business school (WBS) is a business school of Warwick university. WBS was established in 1967 and offered undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. degree programs. WBS is consistently ranked among the best business schools worldwide.


Cambridge Judge Business School


Cambridge judge business school is a business school of the University of Cambridge. It was established in 1990 and ranked among one of the top-ranked business schools worldwide. It offers degrees in management, finance, MBA, and Ph.D. It is located at Trumpington street, near the Fitzwilliam Museum.

What a Ph.D. Proposal Look Like

A Ph.D. proposal is an archive that clarifies your research subject, your avocation for picking such a topic, and the functional methodologies you will lead to research the issue. The reason for composing a Research Proposal is to give proof to your teachers that your research issue is sufficiently commendable to foster a theory or thesis on it. Hence, you can give equity to the institute’s necessities concerning the finishing of your degrees.

research papers

What a Ph.D. Proposal Must Have


Follow the underneath expressed tips to compose an all-around gathered, impeccably composed, and astoundingly executed Ph.D. proposal for your research issue.


  • Make sure the title of your proposal is clear and justifiable, appealing, and shows the objective of your review.
  • Create a framework of your proposal, divide your proposal into various parts, headings, subheadings, presentation, philosophy, and conclusion.
  • Proofread your Ph.D. research proposal a few times to ensure it is liberated from syntactic and typographic blunders.
  • Keep your composing open and justifiable, try not to utilize troublesome specialized words.
  • Exhibit that you have picked a convincing research issue and are skillful to explore it.
  • As you know, your educators should look out for a lot of proposals recommendations. That is the reason an attractive and astoundingly composed research proposal intrigue your teachers with your research proposal from plenty of research proposals.
  • Don’t neglect to see the value in the writers of the multitude of distributions and compositions you will use in your research proposal.
  • Paraphrase the sentences to keep away from counterfeiting.
  • Make sure your research proposal incorporates replies to every one of the inquiries that may come in minds of readers.
  • Make sure your answer for each issue is plainly expressed in your research proposal.
  • Make sure the extent of your picked research topic is adequately commendable to be sensible and practical.
  • Make sure your composing is clear, brief, and intelligent.

How Universities can resume keeping COVID-19 SOPs intact



To help and support the safe return of students to universities, it is important for students, teachers, and all the staff members of universities to keep themselves clean and safe by following some SOPs of Covid-19. SOPs that should be followed include social distancing, hand and respiratory hygiene, wearing a face mask, and being alert to symptoms of Covid-19.




Universities and higher education providers offer clinically validated swab antigen tests to support students’ safe return to the campuses. This test can be turned around quickly and does not include laboratory processing. Students should take lateral flow device tests before returning to the universities. Whereas after students’ arrival to the campuses, universities and higher education will provide testing facilities to the students twice a week.




If any student gets a positive LFD result, they should be self-isolated and book a PCR test immediately.




Students are encouraged to get vaccinated as soon as possible. As it is the only way to prevent yourself from getting this deadly disease. So fully vaccinated students should be allowed to enter the premises of university campuses.

Students who are not vaccinated or with a second dose pending are encouraged to complete their vaccination to return to their campuses.


Student Travel


Students traveling from different areas to return to their campuses should get themselves tested. Students should be sensible and be mindful of the risks of the spread of Covid-19 through traveling especially to others who are already vulnerable and facing some health problems. That’s why students should take great precautions while traveling to save others and themselves from this deadly disease. If you are having Covid-19 symptoms or being in self-isolation, do not travel unless you get yourself tested and get your negative results.

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Dissertation Proposal and Key Features


What is a Dissertation Proposal


A Dissertation proposal is a proposed summary of your research problem that defines a clear question and its originality, significance, and approach to answering it. The proposal explains how it adds to existing literature and impress thesis supervisors on the importance of your work and why you are worthy of working on it.


What Is the Research Proposal for?


Your work’s quality and originality, critical thinking, and feasibility of the research are judged by thesis supervisors, professors, or committee members through your proposed Dissertation Writing a research proposal. Dissertation programs in the UK are designed to complete in 2 timeframes, i.e. three years or six years. So it would help if you kept that timeframe in mind before selecting a research topic for your dissertation thesis. Research proposals help to assess your capability of researching a particular topic or having proper knowledge of existing literature.


Structure of Research Proposal


Following are the important elements of a research proposal.




The title of your Dissertation research proposal should include keywords that can relate to your research problem and inform supervisors about your research problem. A research proposal should describe the subject of the thesis, but your approach and key questions should be highlighted in your title.


Overview of The Research


This section includes a short outline of your research and where it fits in the existing literature. Be as specific as possible in identifying the literature you wish to engage in your research proposal. In this section, you should also create links between your research and the existing research you are applying. Make sure to create a convincing framework for your research by including research questions and their reasons, the major approaches you want to take, and the significance of the research.


Positioning of The Research


In this section, you should discuss the importance of text which is more important in projecting it, demonstrating your understanding, and identifying the existing gaps in the research. This section will contextualize your research questions and do not provide a detailed analysis of them.




This section simply includes your way of structuring your research and the methods you are going to use. The methodology section should lay down the research parameters, discussion on the overall approach, rationale for adopting this research, specific aims and objectives.




This section provides the reader with great insight into your knowledge and sense of grasp on literature. Make sure to add a reference list that you think will help in your analysis. It should show critical reflection in the selection of appropriate texts.


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