In today’s digital era, marketing can be done easily, and cost-effectively. For small entrepreneurs who want to market or advertise their products, there is no need to bother to dig deeper into their pockets. Every business can easily advertise its products through social media on an affordable or even freeway.

One of the most effective promotional media today is video content. Video is one of the most powerful business marketing methods for attracting customer attention. It is also an effective strategy to convert potential customers into loyal customers.

Research says, more than 54% of potential clients or consumers prefer to see a product using video content over other types of content.

Therefore, you need to know how to make video ads to attract wider customers without a big budget. Let’s dive into the five best tips to make a top high-performing video ad:

1. Make the most of your first few seconds

When you want to make a high-performing video ad that can attract the attention of customers, then make sure you have to be able to make something impressive in the first 5-10 seconds. 

This really determines the choice of the audience whether they want to skip your video ads or continue till the end of the videos.

You can arouse the curiosity of the audience by asking questions and describing something ambiguous to keep them stay longer in the video. That way there will be curiosity within them about what will be obtained from your video later.

2. Choose the right video ads type

The next tip is that you need to consider how your product video ads will look like. Try to take the time to find the type of advertising video that suits your marketing business goals.

There are several types of the best advertising videos that you need to consider, such as animated explainer videos, motion graphics, video tutorials, live videos, video events, and so on.

Of the many types of videos mentioned, most companies use explainer videos as their most suitable media to explain their business products or services. Explainer videos only focus on prioritizing the activities of introducing specific products or services with compelling animations.

Consistent with one theme would be better, than forcing multiple themes at once. Apart from making the video feel burdened, the end result will also seem disjointed without meaning. Make sure you determine the right video ad type for your business.

3. Quality storytelling is the key

Even though the name is video marketing, that doesn’t mean every video has to focus on sales. Focusing too much on selling your product can kick off your potential customers.

Therefore, try to focus on telling the value you provide to customers. In fact, most customers are more interested in videos that contain storytelling about how your product becomes a solution for your target customers. 

That way, you can attract the needs and wants of consumers by leveraging the emotional power of your video storytelling.

4. Personalize Your Video

The best video advertising is when you can personalize your video. It is a great way to win the hearts of your customers. You can add some pictures of your company including yourself, and your employees.

Moreover, you can also add customer testimonials to your video to make it more convincing and appealing to your other potential customers. It’s the best way to convert them into loyal customers.

5. Include a Call to Action

Don’t forget to include a call to action in your video. If you want your audience to visit your site or follow you on social media, let them know through the CTA button.

Video can be an appropriate medium for including call-to-action elements because it is easier for the speaker to instruct the audience to take the desired action in the video.

You can also include text in videos that link to the site to encourage them to check out more information. Adding a call-to-action is simple, but can trigger a dramatic increase in sales conversions.


Video ads must contain advantages and information about products from your company. Even though it looks simple, you can’t just do the shooting process and use sophisticated equipment in making videos.

You also need to include a marketing strategy in video ads. You can implement the five important tips mentioned above, to produce high-performing video ads that are easy to remember and win the hearts of customers.