Deficits in vitamin D are fairly frequent, especially in northern latitudes. Sunlight, covering up, and using sunscreens prevent the skin’s natural production of this vital vitamin.

Are you aware of your vitamin D levels?

Having optimal levels is a quick and affordable health improvement that can have an impact on:

78% fewer children with type 1 diabetes

33% less type 2 diabetes now exists.

Reduction of falls among the elderly by 72%

a 42% decline in female multiple sclerosis

And those with insufficient levels run the danger of:

200% more children now have type 1 diabetes

30–50% more cancer cases

At optimal levels, the incidence of cancer is reduced by 77%.

According to Life Extension Foundation research, raising the US population’s vitamin D levels could, in as little as four years, prevent up to 34 of all malignancies.

A national initiative to achieve optimal Vitamin D levels might also save 275,00 American lives annually, according to research.

Low concentrations of have been classified as a “emergency health crisis”. To guarantee that everyone has appropriate vitamins men level, everything should be done.

We implore individuals with the power to promote public health, including the media, vitamin producers, and policymakers, to launch fresh campaigns that will actually have a chance of affecting vitamin D nutrition since there is convincing evidence of benefit and solid proof of safety. Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American

According to a review report published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 19, 2007, those with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to experience: autoimmune conditions Osteoarthritis Depression Hypertension pulmonary conditions Schizophrenia vascular conditions

Low levels have also been connected to:


muscle tremor


undifferentiated musculoskeletal pain

persistent low back ache



In the US and Europe, between 40% and 100% of older persons have low or deficient levels of vitamin D. Even children and young adults who take 400 IU of vitamin D supplements and eat meals high in vitamin D might have low levels of the vitamin.

Additionally, don’t rely on being in the sun to raise your natural levels.

Despite receiving a lot of sunlight, some people’s vitamin D levels can still be low. 51% of people with a mean of 11.1 hours per week of total body skin exposure without the use of sunscreen still had insufficient levels of vitamin D. As we become older, our ability to convert vitamin D in the skin is increasingly hampered. Tan skin loses its capacity to produce vitamin D.

Read: Vitamin D Deficient – Who, Me?

Blood tests can be used to determine your vitamin D status. Vitamin D testing reveals that a lack of Vitamin D may be the root of a number of health issues. Additional testing keeps an eye on vitamin D levels while taking supplements to make sure adequate levels are reached and guard against potential toxicity and overdose.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is uncommon for people in the US population to reach the “minimum Vitamin D blood levels needed to minimize illness risk” of 30 ng/mL.

An ideal technique is to reach a blood vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) level of about 60 ng/mL in order to account for the large individual dose response variability. To reach this ideal level for disease prevention, you might need to take up to 5,000 IU or more of vitamin D, depending on your current vitamin D levels.

It’s good news that vitamin D is reasonably priced. Because there is no pricey drug to promote, vitamin D testing will never become widely accepted by the media.

It’s critical to keep in mind that, rather than the amount of Vitamin D consumed, what matters is the level of Vitamin D in the blood. Extra body fat might bind vitamin D and inhibit its usage.

Up until recently, a vitamin D level test required a visit to the doctor and a blood sample. But these days, all that is required is a few drops of blood from a short, almost painless prick of the finger, along with a few spots of blood deposited on specialized collection paper. You can carry out this at home. It is practical, efficient, and appropriate for all age groups, from young children to the elderly. is the article’s source.