
The Megaminx cube is a twisty puzzle that was invented in 1981 by Udo Krell. It’s also known as “Magic Dodecahedron”, “Hungarian Megaminx” or “Hungarian Supernova”. While related to the Rubik’s Cube and robot cube some solvers find this version easier because it does not have corner pieces which are often difficult for many to solve and keep track of. However, beginners find that the larger number of pieces makes this a more difficult puzzle than the standard 3×3 cube to learn how to solve

A Megaminx cube is a dodecahedron shaped twisty puzzle. It has 12 colored faces, each with 10 stickers of the same color. The puzzle is solved by turning each face until all stickers on that face match. The number of stickers on the entire puzzle is 120, or 60 pairs (2×6) and 60 triples (3×4).

The twisty nature makes this a difficult puzzle to solve, but it’s also satisfying when you get it right!

The 12 colored faces are very close in shape and size to a standard Rubik’s Cube. In fact, the Megaminx was invented shortly after the Rubik’s Cube and has been available since 1981.

The Megaminx is a dodecahedron shaped twisty puzzle with 12 colored faces, each with 10 stickers of the same color. The cube has no center or edge pieces—the stickers are arranged around the edges and inside the middle body. To solve it, you must turn each face until all stickers on that face match as follows:

A white sticker should be at one corner of your starting point (white/black in front, red/blue behind)

A blue sticker should be located directly below this white sticker (white/black above), then another blue sticker below this second one (red/blue above). This direction continues down through all four corners until reaching an end point where all six sides have been completed correctly; if you don’t get to this stage then start again from step 1!

The puzzle is also known as ‘magic dodecahedron’, ‘Hungarian megaminx’ or ‘Hungarian supernova’. This is because it was invented in Hungary in 1981 by Udo Krell who based his new dodecahedron design on the original Rubik’s Cube design.

The Megaminx is a twisty puzzle that’s also known as ‘magic dodecahedron’, ‘Hungarian megaminx’ or ‘Hungarian supernova’. This is because it was invented in Hungary in 1981 by Udo Krell who based his new dodecahedron design on the original Rubik’s Cube design.

The puzzle has 36 sides and comes in three colors: red, yellow and blue (or pink). The middle layer features six pieces that can be twisted around each other to change their orientation – like a Rubik’s Cube but with more twists! It takes some practice to get used to this extra level of challenge but once you do, it’s fun!

While related to the Rubik’s Cube, some solvers find the Megaminx easier because it does not have corner pieces which are often difficult for many to solve and keep track of. However, beginners find that the larger number of pieces makes this a more difficult puzzle than the standard 3×3 cube to learn how to solve.

While the 3×3 cube is similar to the Megaminx, they are different puzzles. The Rubik’s Cube has 45 pieces that can be arranged into six faces with an emphasis on corner pieces. On the other hand, the Megaminx has 12 sides with stickers on each face and no corner pieces. While related to the Rubik’s Cube, some solvers find that it is easier because it does not have corner pieces which are often difficult for many to solve and keep track of. However beginners find that this makes this a more difficult puzzle than standard 3×3 cubes since there are so many stickers on each face!

There are two ways you can solve a megaminx: by turning each face until all stickers match (the traditional method), or by using a special tool called “The Gimmick” which allows you to place stickers without having them move around; however these methods will take longer than simply doing all twelve turns at once (which we recommend).

You can also purchase variations on this theme such as Pyraminx cubes which have 4 tips instead of 12 but use the same solving principles, or Megamix cubes which come with anywhere from 7 to 13 tips like mini-prisms sticking out from the centers of each side.

As you can see, there are many variations on the Megaminx cube. You can even purchase Pyraminx cubes which have 4 tips instead of 12 but use the same solving principles. These two examples show how different this type of puzzle can be from others in its category (3×3).

The Megaminx cube is another great variation on the Rubik’s cube family of puzzles

 It’s a twisty puzzle, so it can be difficult to solve if you’re not used to solving one. But once you get past your initial struggles with this type of puzzle, it becomes easier and faster to solve than many other solutions!

The Megaminx cube has 12 colored faces, each with 10 stickers of the same color (blue or red). Each face has 10 stickers total; there are no extra colors in this puzzle like with some other solids that have more than 12 pieces per face (like 3×3). When solving this kind of solid object like ours here today at [our company name] headquarters in [city], all we have left are these two rotations (two moves) before finally getting everything lined up correctly and solving our mystery object!


We hope that you have enjoyed learning about this fantastic puzzle. While it may not be the easiest cube to solve, it is an excellent addition to any collection. If you are looking for something different than the standard Rubik’s Cube then give this a try!