Tea Tree Oil originates from the leaves of a small tree native to New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. In Australia.It was used as a traditional medicine for centuries by the Aboriginal people. Order to extract it people used to crush the leaves of the tea tree. In older times, people would inhale the oil to treat coughs and colds or apply it directly on the skin for healing wounds or as an antiseptic. The germ-fighting properties make it a valued natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection, and promoting healing.

Tea Tree Oil is available as oil and in many over-the-counter skin products, including soaps and lotions. However, you cannot take tea tree oil orally. If swallowed, it can cause serious symptoms.


There are many significant uses of it in our day-to-day activities. For Example:

1. Used as an insect repellent

Tea tree oil kills or repels insects. In some cases, it is even more effective than standard insecticides or repellents. According to a study,  cows had 60% less flies than cows that were not treated with the tea tree oil. It is also used to keep pesky insects and ants away in agriculture. If you fear dengue is on the rise, you might want to apply it on your children as it has shown to also act as a mosquito repellent.

2. Used as a sanitizer

Using tree oil as a natural hand sanitizer may help kill a number of germs responsible for colds, the flu, and other illness. Studies continue to confirm that hand sanitizers with tea tree oil are effective for hand disinfection, killing bacteria without antibiotics.

3. Antiseptic for cuts

Whenever you get injured, you are prone to infection since your skin may break causing germs to enter the bloodstream. Using tea tree oil and coconut oil together do wonders. The two when mixed together can be applied to cuts and scrapes that cause infection in open wounds. To disinfect a cut, follow these steps:

1.    Clean the cut thoroughly with plain water and soap.

2.     Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil with one drop of tea trere oil.

3.     Apply a small amount of the mixture to the injury and cover with a bandage.

4.     Repeat this process once or twice daily until a scab has formed.

4. Used for healing wounds

It is a known antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-oxidant, and these actions will help reduce inflammation and enhance healing. It can help wound healing by increasing the activity of the white blood cells and reducing inflammation. A few drops of tea tree oil can be used as dressing on wounds each time a new dressing is applied.

5. Natural deodorant

Secretions from our sweat glands combine with bacteria on the skin to producing a strong odor in the body. Our underarm area contains a large concentration of these glands and is mainly responsible for what is commonly referred to as odor. Tea tree oil’s germ-fighting properties make it an ideal natural alternative to antiperspirants and commercial deodorants.

6. Used to treat acne

Research suggests that a treatment gel containing tea tree oil might be effective at relieving acne. Studies have show to improve and control acne through the use of it.

7. Treats nail fungus

Research has shown tea tree oil used in either its pure form or in combination with other antifungal therapies to be effective in treating toenail fungus.

8. Helps to get rid of lice

Using in combination with lavender oil. It can be effective at treating lice eggs.

9. Treats Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot can be frustratingly hard to control. It is a contagious fungal infection on the feet that can also spread to the toenails and hands. Symptoms include peeling, cracking, blisters, and redness. A tea tree oil cream, applied twice daily for one month, has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms of athlete’s foot.

10. Helps get rid of dandruff

Adding tea tree oil to shampoo can control as well as reduce dandruff. This is more towards the acidic side as compared to our skin, it, therefore, helps clear the dandruff scales. This shampoo is also a great treatment for dandruff.

11. Used as a chemical-free mouthwash

Using it as a mouthwash is both better in taste and effective than other oral chemical mouthwashes. It is Chemical-free and is thought of as a better alternative to other disinfectants. Diluting with water the it can be used as a mouthwash to rinse and clean bad breath and dental plaque.

12. Used to soothe skin inflammation

Using it in combination with other oils can help combat skin inflammation caused as a result of insect bites or dermatitis. In addition, It may provide relief from bug bite reactions by reducing the itching, redness, and swelling that occurs when your body releases histamine to defend against the insect’s saliva.

So head over to BelleCotte Paris’s website and choose from our tea tree oil range benefit from the many uses of this miracle oil.