At least one photo is required when applying for most passport services. While there are numerous locations where you can have your passport photo taken, where you get your passport photo is critical. One of the most common reasons for a renewal passport application being delayed is the submission of an unacceptable photograph. This article will give you several options for where you can get your passport-sized photo taken.

You should also avoid looking at old photos on your computer or phone. Aside from the fact that passport photos must be recent (taken within the last 6 months), there is a good chance that the images on your computer will need to be edited, which is strictly prohibited. Selfies are not permitted. You may believe that you have taken a good enough photo with a selfie stick or phone stand, but simple errors can result in your photo – and, as a result, your entire application – being denied.

Finally, do not take your passport photo with a cheap, disposable camera. The standard will be insufficient. These cameras typically produce grainy images that are almost always rejected.

Top 3 places to Get a Passport Photo?

When it comes to getting a passport photo, you have several options. Unless you live in a remote area, there are likely several locations near your home where you can have your passport photos taken and printed. The following is a list of locations where you can get your passport photos taken.

Pharmacies and retail establishments:

Pharmacy and retail chains are an easy way to get your passport photos taken and printed. This service is available at reasonable prices at popular pharmacy chains CVS and Walgreens, as well as retail behemoths Target and Walmart. You should have no trouble finding one of these stores near you, as there are thousands of them across the country.

Photographic Studios for Professionals:

Very few applicants have their passport photos taken at a professional photography studio. Studio sessions can be costly, and many studios are hesitant to schedule time with clients who only want a single, simple image. As a result, not many studios provide this service. Those that do usually charge more than you would at the previously mentioned locations. While it is necessary to submit a good-quality photo with your passport application, professional photos are not required.

Passport Agencies in the United States:

Many passport acceptance facilities also provide passport photo services. The vast majority of these are housed in post offices. This is extremely convenient because it allows you to complete all of your tasks in a single location. You can have your picture taken and your application adjudicated and sent off for processing right away.

What Is the Cost of a Passport Photo?

A passport photo costs between $0.35 and $15.00, depending on where you have it taken and how many photos you have printed. Passport offices that provide this service usually charge the most. However, the convenience of having your passport photo taken at the same location where you are applying for a new passport may be worth the extra cost.