Designers are creative, no doubt about it! Just imagine how boring the web would be if we didn’t have designers to come up with nice colors, elegant fonts and eye-pleasing layouts. However, being creative isn’t enough to make you an exceptional UI/UX designer! Today, I’ll tell you why creativity alone won’t be enough and share with you what you can do to become an awesome UI/UX designer.


Design is more than creativity


While it’s true that successful designers are imaginative and creative, being an exceptional designer also requires a solid understanding of how people interact with technology. Good design is more than just creativity—it’s about knowing what looks good, what feels good and how to make people want your product. In other words, you must know your audience. If you want to be a truly exceptional designer, consider delving into research methods such as user testing or incorporating scientific theory into your design process.


Knowledge & skills in design patterns are essential


Creating an app is easy. Creating an app that sells like hotcakes is another story. In addition to creativity, you need knowledge of design patterns and UI best practices. Of course, these can be learned through hands-on experience and by reading tutorials, but they are really what separate good designers from great ones. A knowledge of design patterns will help you create consistent and cohesive user interfaces that have been proven to work time and again in all kinds of industries.


User research leads to good design


When you look at your user research, you see not only what people want to do, but also how they want to do it. Which of these things are important? A quick and dirty guide: If it’s most important that users feel satisfied with their experience, then make sure that happens in whatever way is easiest. If it’s most important that users accomplish their goals quickly and easily, make sure they can do so.


Experience with multiple platforms and applications improves your UX


It’s vital to understand how real users interact with your product and design accordingly. The more you know about different platforms, devices, operating systems, etc., and how they behave differently, the better you’ll be able to tailor your design appropriately. This may seem obvious, but if you think of great designers like Steve Jobs or Dieter Rams (who both studied calligraphy), they focus on what matters most—how it feels.


Empathy drives good UX


Understanding how your users think and behave is crucial to designing great user experiences. By empathizing with your audience, you can do your part to ensure that their needs are met and they leave with positive feelings. When you create a positive experience for your users, they’ll be more likely to come back again and again in future interactions. If you want to become an exceptional designer, invest in empathy training—it will pay off.


The role of the designer is evolving


The web is becoming more and more complex, which means designers must become more skilled at not only crafting great user experiences, but also solving increasingly complicated problems. Of course, creativity plays an important role in all design-related activities, but creativity alone won’t make you a great designer. In addition to being creative, successful designers must possess many other critical skills that help them create exceptional experiences. Understanding what these skills are can help you find ways to increase your own effectiveness as a designer and position yourself for future success.




Let’s be honest, it can be hard to find a job as a designer. There are two primary reasons for that. First, in today’s world of technology, there is simply an abundance of potential employers and opportunities. Second, we live in an I want it now society where everyone wants things to happen yesterday (or even faster). As designers, we must set ourselves apart from these expectations by being creative and thoughtful about our work.


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