It’s not challenging to produce marijuana. After all, one of its most well-known names is cannabis. But taking a little more care can pay off many times over if you want to grow robust plants that provide the best buds. These Grandpa’s Stash marijuana growing suggestions can help you succeed more in your marijuana production, whether growing plants for your own personal stash or selling at your business.

Pick A Location

Consider your circumstance’s advantages and disadvantages before choosing to cultivate marijuana indoors or outdoors. Depending on where you are, cultivating your produce outdoors may have plenty of sunshine and rain. To ensure that your plants grow well, you must ensure that they receive adequate water and maintain the proper temperature. You will have total control indoors but need to install irrigation and lighting systems to encourage plant growth.

Choose The Appropriate Seeds or Clones

Do not try to pinch pennies here. Purchase the best genetics you can from an established vendor. Choose between edgy sativa, a relaxing indica, or marijuana with a high CBD content for medical use.

Start Your Indoor Plants Begin Right

Like providing a toddler with nutritious food, correctly germinating your marijuana seeds will start your plants’ journey toward health. Your weed seeds will develop a robust taproot during germination, relying on the rest of their life to obtain nutrients and water. There are various ways to germinate marijuana seeds if you’re wondering how to do it. Until the tap root forms, you can plant them in the ground, submerge them in water, or wrap them in wet paper towels.

Choose Your Soil

For your marijuana plants, you should have loamy soil that drains well. To make your outdoor soil a better-growing medium, apply soil conditioners if it is hard clay or permeable sand. You will naturally have complete control over the soil type you utilize indoors. Another alternative for indoor gardening is hydroponics, although this water-growing technique will cost significantly more to set up, furnish, build, and maintain.


Typically, it would help if you water your plants every two days. If your plants are outdoors, this schedule will change depending on the rainfall. As a general guideline, you should water your plants when the soil feels dry. Your plants’ limp or yellowing leaves may also indicate that they require water. However, be careful not to overwater.


Like other plants, marijuana requires N, P, and K, also known as N-P-K. In general, you should use a 10-10-5 mixture when the plant is in its growth phase and a 5-25-9 fertilizer in its flowering phase. Shops that sell cannabis-growing materials provide a wide selection of premixed fertilizers. Just as with water, don’t go overboard.


When growing plants, it would help to aim for relative humidity between 40% and 50%. Hygrometers should be used to measure.

Aim To Maintain The Appropriate Temperature Range

It typically ranges from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit for houseplants.

To Avoid Mold and Fungus, Make Sure There Is Excellent Airflow

Fans and exhaust systems can help indoor airflow. Give plants enough room to grow outside to stop the spread of fungus and illnesses.


These are a few pieces of advice on growing Grandpa’s stash.