contact lenses

Colored contacts allow us to change our eye color, such as bold or anywhere in between. Fundamentally, a prescription is needed for colored contact lenses whether or not you seek vision correction; because, all the contacts are considered medical devices & have the potential to harm our eyes (if they are not fitted, worn, & maintained).

Colored contact lenses get used for more than what typically comes to mind special movie effects and eye color enhancement.

Indeed, colored contact lenses are an ideal choice. Still, if it’s for medical reasons (or decoration intent), however, like any other new thing, one may find it hard to do right by them. A lot about the contacts may be challenging, which includes how to wear or take care of colored contacts. That is the case with beginners, especially when wearing colored contacts for the first time.


Colored Contacts Safety for Eyes

It is essential to note that colored contacts are just as safe as regular contact lenses as long as you follow significant hygiene guidelines when applying, removing, replacing, and storing them. Which means rinsing hands, fresh contact solution, & a new contact lens case every three months.

Still, even experienced contact lens users prefer to take risks with their contacts (sometimes). One study says that more than 80% of people who wear contact lenses cut corners in their contact lens hygiene routines, like not replacing their lenses regularly, napping in them, or not following the recommendations of their eye doctors.
Make sure you’re not putting your eyes at risk of infection or eye damage by handling your contacts unsafely.


What Colored Contact Lenses Can Affect the Eyes

As it’s illegal to market colored contact lenses without asking prescription, but some online vendors and stores still do it. Technically, these lenses can cut, scratch, or infect the eyes; in some cases, decorative contacts can hurt your vision and even cause blindness.
Despite what the package may say, nonprescription colored contact lenses are not a one-fit-for-all; Ill-fitting lenses may scrape the outer layer of the eye (called the cornea), which can lead to corneal abrasion & scarring.

No doubt, Colored contacts would expand your style exploration. Remember that if you intend to wear colored contact lenses daily, having your eyes examined regularly remains essential to ensure that the eyes remain healthy.