
A fresh new tattoo is prideful for people who love ink. They carefully selected the design, got the perfect placement, and have been able to experience the excitement of healing it. Just like getting pierced or laser hair removal, tattoos require a lot of time and attention. Tattoo artists have years of experience – but there are important steps you must take to ensure your tattoo heals properly. The first day in the healing process depends on the type of tattoo you have got, and it might be similar to the healing process for earlobe piercings. 

Once this process has ended and the skin appears healed, most people think everything is fine and ready to exercise their bodies again. Because these individuals are so excited about their newly inked bodies, it’s easy for them to forget standard advice about treating a newly-inked tattoo: Waiting two or three days before exercising is recommended. Most tattoo artists advise staying away from strenuous workouts until a tattoo has healed completely. However, many gym goers, understandably, find it difficult to follow that advice.

Why wait to work out after getting a tattoo?

Once you get a tattoo, it will always be with you—and that’s why it’s so important to be extra careful. Getting a tattoo is an exciting and important decision, but it also comes with serious consideration about the long-term effects of putting ink into your skin. If you’re unsure what to do about working out after getting a tattoo, here are some factors to consider.

  1. Open wound – The open wound is not in good condition for your body to work out. The new skin can be damaged easily by friction from clothing or weights, leading to bleeding and scarring.

  1. Stretching and sweating – It is well known that sweat is not good for healing tattoos. When you work out, your skin stretches, and the tattooed area will get more sweaty, which means it will take longer for your tattoo to heal. Also, when you stretch too much, it can also cause scabs to peel off, which can damage your tattoo more than anything else.

  1. Friction – Another way that you can damage your newly healed tattoo is through friction. If there are any dry spots on the skin, they could get rubbed off, which might even lead to bruising of the skin in the area around the tattooed part of the body. You definitely do not want to do anything that might damage or blur your tattoo!

  1. Loss of ink –  The tattoo in its entirety may not be lost, but the ink can bleed out of the skin, which diminishes the detail and quality of the work. This isn’t always a serious problem, but if you have a very detailed or large tattoo, it may leave noticeable gaps or areas with less detail. Ink loss isn’t an issue for everyone—if your tattoo is small or simple, you may not notice any change in its appearance.

  1. Compromised fitness performance – Tattoo-related pain can cause muscle weakness and loss of flexibility that hinders your ability to perform well in any physical activity, including working out. A 2010 study by researchers at the University of California found that rhabdomyolysis was common in people who got tattoos. The condition damages skeletal muscle cells, which release a protein called myoglobin into your bloodstream when they break down. Myoglobin clogs the kidneys, leading to kidney failure and death. Should you experience muscle weakness or cramping due to tattoo-related pain, you could risk further injury from strain or overexertion while exercising.

Can I Workout 3 Days After Tattoo?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. You can work out after three days of getting a tattoo. But not without some precautions as well as some considerations. Tattooing is a process. The skin is punctured with the needle repeatedly to create the desired image. This puncturing causes trauma and inflammation to the skin, which is why people who get tattoos usually take an anti-inflammatory medication before getting tattooed and repeat doses of the medicine for several days after getting the tattoo to help with the healing process.

The healing process for tattoos can last anywhere from two weeks up to six months depending on many factors, including where you got your tattoo, how big your tattoo is, what color ink was used in the tattoo, whether your skin is oily or dry, and even if you are taking any medications that could slow down healing time. 

However, If you’ve recently gotten a tattoo, you may be worried about how it will affect your workout. You don’t want to damage the ink or your skin. As long as you follow some general guidelines, working out after getting a tattoo should be painless and safe.

  • If you’re just starting out with exercise, it’s best to wait until your tattoo is fully healed before starting a training program. If you’re already in shape and have been working out regularly for some time, though, there’s no reason why you can get back into it right away.

  • Avoid rubbing your tattoo with clothing or anything else while it is healing, especially during the first week. This includes wearing exceedingly tight garments while going about routine daily tasks.

  • Avoid getting your tattoo dirty while working out or participating in sports. Just like any wound, a tattoo needs to stay clean to heal effectively.

  • Do not induce extreme stretching of the skin on the tattoo region. Again, it’s a wound; ripping it open while it’s healing would impede the healing process.

  • If your tattoo is causing you significant pain, stop doing anything, including working out. Just take a couple of days off until your tattoo is feeling better.

  • Don’t touch the tattoo. Touching the tattooed skin can spread bacteria and cause infection. This is especially important if you need to eat better or care for yourself.

  • Apply ointment to protect from irritation. We recommend using good-quality ointment every few hours for at least two weeks after getting a tattoo. This will also help keep your tattoo moist and prevent scabbing and peeling.

You must exercise with caution to prevent the extremely likely consequences of overstretching and exposing it to germs. Contact with other people’s bodily fluids, for example, might develop infections in your new tattoo and, as a result, slow down the healing process. On the other hand, the ink will need plenty of time to set in nicely with your skin, so you wouldn’t want to intervene with it before that happens.

In some instances, it can be hard to move with a new tattoo. But don’t worry. Your body will heal, allowing you to move around comfortably. When you’re feeling better, there are plenty of ways to stay active without aggravating your new tattoo. Workout clothes also help. When in doubt, ask your artist how best to care for your ink during the healing process. Always use common sense and follow directions provided by the artist who completed the job.

What types of workouts are OK with a new tattoo? 

Knowing what types of workouts are OK with a new tattoo is important. Some activities can help your tattoo heal faster, while others may cause more damage and prolong the healing process. Here’s a rundown of the best types of workouts for your new ink:


Walking is one of the best exercises to do after getting a tattoo because it helps reduce swelling and soreness in the area. You don’t need to go crazy with your walking routine; just aim for 30 minutes three times per week. If you’re dealing with an allergic reaction to the tattoo ink, try going on a short walk at least once a day until things return to normal.


Yoga is another great workout if you’re looking for something low-impact to help speed up your recovery. It will also help keep your mind off of any pain or discomfort you might be experiencing from your new tattoo! The only negative about doing yoga after getting inked is that it can sometimes cause some itching around the area — but that should go away as soon as you stop doing yoga (or get used to it).

How to protect your new tattoo when working out 

While tattoos are an expression of self, protecting them from damage when working out is important. The skin is a delicate organ that can easily damage. You want your tattoos to stand the test of time and look good after years of wear. The following tips will help you protect your new tattoo:

Wear loose clothing over your tattoo. 

You don’t want anything rubbing against it or causing friction or irritation. This can lead to breaking down the ink in your tattoo and potentially cause infection. Wear a long-sleeved shirt over your arms and ribs, which are the most common areas for people to get tattoos on their bodies.

Keep it clean. 

Sweat contains bacteria that can cause infections in open wounds, like tattoos. Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo, and use antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer if possible. It can also help rinse the sweat from your body with water as soon as possible after working out so as not to let bacteria build up on sweaty skin for too long.

Wear sunscreen.

Sunlight causes premature aging, wrinkles, dark spots, and even skin cancer. If you have a new tattoo, it’s especially important to wear sunscreen every day to protect it from sun damage. The sun’s rays can break down the ink in your tattoo and fade it over time if you don’t take precautions.

Stay out of the sun during the healing process. 

Sun exposure can cause fading and discoloration of your new tattoo, so it’s best to avoid the sun until all healing is completed typically takes two weeks. However, if you must be outside in direct sunlight (such as when going to work), make sure to wear long sleeves or pants that cover your entire arm or leg where your tattoo is located to prevent any kind of discoloration.

Apply a Tattoo Moisturizer Lotion after working out

Inkeeze has great Tattoo Lotions These ointments protect your tattoo from further irritation by blocking moisture and keeping bacteria out of the open wound. Apply a thin layer over your tattoo after showering or swimming to keep it shiny and healthy. Learn how often to moisturize a new tattoo so you can stay safe, and maintain a vibrant tattoo.

Use a non-scented body wash.

Skip products that contain fragrances or essential oils, which can irritate your skin while healing. Use gentle products on sensitive skin and leaves no residue behind.

Will My Tattoo Get Messed Up if I Workout?

Getting a tattoo is a big decision. It’s permanent, and it can be painful. There’s no way to get rid of them unless you undergo laser tattoo removal, and even then, you’ll probably have some scarring. But that doesn’t mean they’re completely indestructible. Tattoos fade over time and can sometimes be messed up with heavy sweating or working out.

If you work out immediately after getting a tattoo, it has the potential to become distorted or get infected. The ink can absorb into the skin during the healing process and blur over time, but if you work out too soon after getting the tattoo, it might not be fully healed when you start working out. Ink moves around within your skin during the healing process. Your body absorbs some of it, which means that some of it will stay behind on your skin while other parts fade away as your body absorbs them. If you apply pressure to this ink while it is still healing, it may move around and distort your tattoos.

Post-Workout Tattoo Aftercare 

When you’re done working out, you want to give your body the best care possible. This is true after a workout, too. A tattoo is a little more delicate than your muscles, so it needs some special consideration when it comes to post-workout care. The best way to take care of your new tattoo after working out is to keep it clean and covered with a bandage. The bandage should be removed after two hours, as there’s no need to wear it any longer than that.

After removing the bandage, wash your tattoo with warm water and antibacterial soap. Pat dry with a paper towel and apply lotion or ointment on top of the area where you got inked. It’s also important to drink plenty of water during this time so that your body can heal properly and prevent infection or other complications from occurring. 

Remember, tattoos are permanent, so you want to make sure you take care of them properly. The most important thing is to keep it clean, which means no swimming, soaking, or picking the scabs.

Additional Tips

If you are going to the gym after getting a tattoo, you must listen to your tattoo artist and follow their instructions. They will tell you what you can do, what you should not do, and how long until you can return to the gym. Also, if your tattoo has been done in a reputable parlor, there shouldn’t be any problems. However, if it has been done in a back alley or at home by an amateur, then there is no telling what kind of infection or problems you could run into.

Most people don’t realize that your tattoo is a wound and needs to heal. It’s important to take care of your new tattoo so that it heals properly and looks great for years to come. Therefore, before going to the gym, be sure to place a relatively thin coating of tattoo ointment/lotion on the inked region to protect it from overstretching. Also, to prevent potential bacterial infections, wipe down the gym benches and walls that you are likely to come into contact with and then rub them with antibiotic spray.

It is always better to be safe than sorry about tattoos and anything else that goes into your body.

Final thoughts

When a tattoo is finished, you will feel relief and joy. You can finally enjoy your new ink. The excitement is great, but it is also important to know that the healing process has just begun. The healing process can last from a few days to several weeks, depending on the tattoo’s size. Some people heal faster than others, and this is due to their body’s ability to regenerate tissue.

That being said, you must take good care of your new tattoo during this time so that it heals properly and permanently. If you do not take care of it properly, there is a risk that your tattoo could fade or even disappear completely over time. It is important to invest in high-quality tattoo aftercare products like the one from Inkezee. 

Tattoo Aftercare products are usually not included in the price of your tattoo, but they should be. The best way to prevent fading is through proper tattoo aftercare. Inkzee offers a wide range of quality products for tattoo care. So, make sure to check them out today for a faster tattoo healing journey!