If you are into modern-day programming, you can’t deny the essence of control statements!

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the control statements in PHP!

These statements are touted to be the statements that allows the developers or the programmers to decide how a software would behave under the differential circumstances.

To control the overall flow of your programs, these statements hold utmost importance.

In PHP, we make use of these statements as if-else conditions or with the help of while or loops.

Though, if you are interested to know more about these statements, stay till the end of this blog!

Afterall, knowledge and learning has no stopping.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Control statements in PHP

The control statements in the PHP are useful to alter execution of the programs. For controlling program flows, statements can be beneficial. Usually, bottom flow exists from top to the bottom.

For example: On the e-commerce website, developers may want to use the same system in order to behave differently for different user roles as buyers or sellers.

Different control statements in the PHP

There are various types of control statements in the PHP. The language offers some control statements to develop various logics for executing different conditions. The various condition statements in PHP includes:

If statements

The if statements are defined as the simplified type of control statements of a particular language. Additionally, the if condition in this case works with the help of a boolean value which can be evaluated on the basis of certain conditions in order to execute the certain code lines only if the given condition is true or not.

The condition that is provided here in the IF statement would be the first to evaluate on the basis of varied evaluations for the true or false values and is generated on the basis of code.

Though, the if condition gets blocked it can be executed or may be skipped in the flow of a program.

Syntax of this condition would be:

If [ my_condition] { code execution if supplied is true; }

As the above syntax is shown, if statement may be required for a condition in case of () round brackets to evaluate it. In case of curly braces, {}, we can supply the spec codes for the execution.

If-else statements

The if statements may provide the basic control of the program. The statement adds some sort of complexity for the IF statement in defining two blocks in a code, one needs to be executed if the condition will stand true. Though, the condition evaluates will be false.

Since the condition, in this case would either be false or true, the code block in a required if statement will be executed by the block under the else statement. Though, under no circumstances, the code may get executed in the case of parallelism.

If-else-if statement

There may be times when you need to use the multiple if related conditions, in this case we will be using the combination of  the multiple statements. We can combine various if-else statements so that they can work together as far as the requirements should be met.

Switch statements

Contrary to the given if statements, switch statements are being used when condition will be creating any particular value irrespective of the range of its values.

The syntax in this case will look like;

Switch [n]{

Case value 1:

Code to be executed if the n = value



case value 2;

Code to be executed if the n = value



Case value 3:

code to be executed if the n = value





Code to be executed if there is no other case to be satisfied;


Loop statements

Another type of statements that are more commonly used are the loop statements. In the case, to run the snippet of the code repeatedly for multiple tims, we can use the loop statements instead of doing additions of the similar codes in the script to make the program even more complex.

Until your condition stays true, you can run the loop blocks for the code which are present in it:

PHP uses, four loops in this case:

While loop

In this case, the block of codes will be written inside of the while loop when it is executed until your condition becomes true.

Syntax of this will be:

while( condition is true) { the block of codes that needs to be executed;


Do while loop

It is quite different from the above-mentioned while loop as without checking any of the loop , it executes the block of codes in order to run it. Though, the conditions can give the true values in this case. Loop will execute block codes even if your condition is true.

For loop

When we have surety to run the specific block of codes for multiple times, we can put codes inside the for loop.

In this case, the counter value of loop will be initialised with its init counterpart. Moreover, in the case of its test counterpart, we can check the condition for each loop and will continue executing till the end of this loop. Though, in the increment part, the value of the loop counter gets changed.

Foreach loop

When we wish to run the code blocks for every element in the array, we can use the foreach loop.

Jump statements

We can also use jump statements like break to jump out from the loop. The execution in this case is broken by the keyword break. The statement will break the loop flow of specific conditions outside of the loop.

php callback function

When we are on the subject we get to know about another important php concept that is php callback function. This is a callback function which is used in the php to pass the given argument from one function to the other function.

Wrapping up 

We hope that by now, you are clear with the concept of control statements in PHP. Take this guide as your mentor and enhance your knowledge base.